I hate having dreams where the devil is comen after you... I - TopicsExpress


I hate having dreams where the devil is comen after you... I started taken a video of my sister and in the back ground my grandma gets out of her chair in the background and starts to flap her arms and she lifts up... I didnt realize it happen at that moment and then I go to my room laying in bed and watch the video being like ohh crap shes possessed. All of a suddon a felt an entity stop my body from moving and it was like I was being attacked by it.. I start shouting I rebuke u in the name of Jesus Christ over and over agian and then it all stopped just as A red light starts coming torwards my room and its just my mom and I tell her to sit on the edge of my bed and Im trying to show her the video and tell her grandma is possessed. Shes like no shes not, just blowing me off and then my grandma comes in and Im like grandma your possessed and at that moment a small swirl in the corner in my room starts to form and Im like its a demon. I grab a holy bible off my bed to use it sort of like a cross (stay back demon) ï gave it to my grandma and she tosses the bible and says thats not going to do nothing for us. We run to my moms room and she picks up a script (like a hororscope of the day) and tells me to read it.. and it said something along the lines a demon is going to pay a visit and run to the closest. So me my mom and grandma sprint to the closest. I shut the door as fast as i could but it wasnt fast enough. Before i could shut the door completely the demon slams up agianst the door and Im the only one trying to keep the door from opening up all the way.. I finally get the door shut after battling it for a little bit fighting to shut the door.. and I felt it keep trying to get in. And I woke up trying to get a better feet position on the wall to push against the wall and door better... That was my dream
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:55:54 +0000

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