I hate hospitals. Thats stupid to say. What I really hate is the - TopicsExpress


I hate hospitals. Thats stupid to say. What I really hate is the lackadaisical attitude of too many health care workers. One, just in case you were wondering, is one too many. I SHOULDNT have to suppress violent urges, especially ones triggered by obvious laziness. What can be done? Well, short of committing MURDER, you have to be a STRONG ADVOCATE for your loved one in the hospital. BE A PAIN IN THE ASS, and I mean that. They need to see your (un)smiling face in the place, and that face needs to be asking myriad questions. HARD questions. UNCOMFORTABLE questions. Im not above using a strategically placed profane utterance to get my point across. It works because ONLY then do they seem to realize how serious you are...ONE or TWO...dont go all Eddie Murphy on em AND please dont lose your composure. They cant dismiss angry intelligence, the operative word being INTELLIGENCE. They CAN dismiss you if you take it to the point where they have to call Security.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:01:19 +0000

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