I hate making things about myself... If theres anything that I - TopicsExpress


I hate making things about myself... If theres anything that I hate, its egotism... though I wont bother with this temporary emotion of frustration for long... Hatred... I just wanted to say: I havent been able to open up ever since. Its hard for me to get close with new people. Even the kindest of folks cant relate and I know if we get too close Ill cause them pain just by existing. Now that Ive spent the whole year challenging the System, creating turmoil in the collective subconscious, planting the seeds of creation, of understanding... Now that Ive thrown myself into the gears of this filthy, blood soaked, pointless machine , taking hits for the future so that I can reincarnate in a better world NOT populated by arrogant egomaniacs and inflictive bullies... I can start saving up for that gardening and landscaping business I want to start... I only need 5000$ to 10000$, then Ill have a big white van, a trailer, rototiller, equipment, tools and Ill offer my different types of gardens, some perennial, some ornamental, some more horticultural and some that are low maintenance, mixed etc... I wanted to start PopLeg.Com, where people can vote directly on legislation, legitimately. I thought people would catch on really quickly... I was wrong. I could still study Web Design to complete the website myself, all the designers only care for profit, even though the traffic would generate immense revenue for the people working hard to maintain the site... Those who refuse to envision, who refuse to believe, to create, who refuse to allow such fantasies of a functional, logical world to come into existence destroy ideas, they destroy possibilities, they destroy futures and turn creativity and vision into stress, insecurities and shame. May I Be Happy, Free from stress and pain, May I be free from animosity And Look After Myself with Ease May You Be Happy, May You be Free from stress and pain, May you be free from animosity And May You Look After Yourself with Ease Ask about it if you wish, Ill break your heart because most of us are unknowing cowards, intolerant and insensitive. You wont explore the tip of the ice-berg due to your cowardice. I wish I had an unlimited credit card for the suffering and dispossessed... The kindest, most altruistic, most generous people live in a state of dispossession. They just dont want to rip people off, bang them for the buck with due diligence, down and dirty, behind the eight ball... Honorable people want to level the playing field, they dont want to commit genocide or murder, they dont want to inflict suffering mental or physical, they dont want to poison people with toxins to make them obese and sick, they dont want to run around like headless chickens in a race for ego-pride, nice people just want to be happy, they want to help and they want to heal, not harm, its simple. Kind people create wealth, the inconsiderate engender disparity, they cause poverty, they maximize profit for the few and minimize wealth for the masses. I said it before and I might say it again... Eugenicist Selfish Greedy Genocidal Megalo-Egomaniac etc... Find traces of me throughout the cosmos, Im resonating from all over the place! I love you... Im just damaged! No more selflessness for a while, Im closing up, goodbye. Im an musician, a guitarist. I met Saraswati, Hindu goddess of Wisdom and the Arts. When I leave this world, I know where Im going, but every-time I do certain regular daily things everyone normally does, it hurts me and life isnt easy for me. I wont be understood, people hate lamenting, complaining, nagging, b*tching... I could do that every day. You probably would if you were in my skin for a single day... I work on my mind, I want to go back home. May I Be Happy, Free from stress and pain, May I be free from animosity And Look After Myself with Ease May You Be Happy, May You be Free from stress and pain, May you be free from animosity And May You Look After Yourself with Ease
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 22:05:58 +0000

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