I hate my life. plain and simple. i just want to end it...:( ive - TopicsExpress


I hate my life. plain and simple. i just want to end it...:( ive thought of suicide so many times its not funny but i forced myself to stop and continue on with life as if it would be better but it never it. my parents think im the devil child not because its terrible but that they expect so much from me and such little from my autistic brother. they give me tons of things to do in a day its so annoying! my brother is just so dim witted and idk why god gave him to me. i know god always has a reason to do things in life but why give him to me!? i dont deserve it! i have a lot of friends but i get into nonsense fights with a few of my close friends and like today, i said Stop braggin with your amazing singing beccy. and she got angry at me cause i said bragging. i was complimenting her by saying she has a great voice. now she wont talk or text me and i was trying to explain how im envious of her. when i said envious my 2 friends were like finally you admit it! and i was confused about what they meant. i was envious because ive got no talent in life! ive tried numerous things and im getting so angry about why cant my life be better and its just so bad!!!! ive got a reputation as the boy crazy girl and its so annoying!! :( its not like i chose my self to like every guy i see (i dont actually) and beccy said now i know why that guy called you a chink. its because you cant think before you speak. that was the first thing she said and then she ignored me. i cant change myself because ive tried so many times its not funny. i just want to die i want to die!! the world would be a better place without me. idc if ppl miss me becuz no one wont... my parents would have a party.....i hate my parents too. theyre just annoying things in lifee. i know that parents are annoying to every teen but my parents r just the worse!!!! even my cousins and friends r like what the hell is wrong with your parents? especially my mom!!! all she talks about is money. saving money spendnig money how the world is f-ed up because w ehave no money. that all she ever talks about. and then theres my dad who wont shut up about the world and its technology and other ****. hes also always talking about how things like people on the moon for the first time is fake or how cellphones cause cancer. its really annoying!! dont give me stupid depression numbers cause u think i need help. i need to quit life. also as ive said ive got no talent what so ever. im not good at anything!!!!!!! its so hard for me to learn things... ach....
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:32:45 +0000

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