I hate that I love College Football. There’s nothing in the - TopicsExpress


I hate that I love College Football. There’s nothing in the world quite like it. The history, pageantry, tradition, and excitement… A Saturday in the Fall is something truly spectacular. Sadly, what in my mind is America’s greatest sport is in fact built upon a huge lie. It is built on the concept of “Student Athletes”. You have to decide if these kids are students who happen to be athletes, or athletes who happen to be students. Though I’m painting with a broad brush and there are certainly many exceptions to the rule, I can assure you it’s the latter. One can begin by looking no farther than athletes deemed “partial qualifiers”. These are kids who WOULD NOT get into a major University if they weren’t accomplished athletes. Kids who would otherwise be deemed unqualified to study at a particular institution of higher education based on grades and standardized test scores. That said, schools HEAVILY recruit these kids. Why? Because College Football is a multi BILLION dollar industry built on the backs of many “student” athletes who have no business having the word student anywhere near their name. These athletes are courted by MULTI-MILLIONAIRS like Nick Saban and Bob Stoops to come play for State U. In return, they’ll be provided a “free” “education”. I find it ironic that the NCAA is so adamant that these are students first and athletes second. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a recruiting story involving a Literature or Biology professor sitting down with mom & dad trying to convince them of the great education their academically inadequate child is going to be provided. No the sales pitch isn’t the education… the sales pitch is playing time and a quick path to a huge NFL contract. So little Johnny Football (no relation to that Johnny Football) makes his decision, packs his bags, and he’s off to State U where he’ll be “given an education”. Here’s the deal, Little Johnny Football has two jobs. Job 1 is to score touchdowns. Job 2 is not to screw up badly enough that he is no longer eligible to do job 1. The “education” he’s being given? Actually, it’s an opportunity to pursue an education if he so desires. And that would be fine… if schools didn’t give him a way to NOT pursue said education but still be handed a degree. In fairness I’ll cast the spotlight on the school I love The University of Georgia. Remember Jim Harrick and his basketball players (oh yeah… all of this applies to basketball too) who were taking classes where tests involved questions such as ‘how many points is a 3 point shot worth’? Looking outside of UGA… James Brooks is a graduate of Auburn. He’s also illiterate. I’m not exaggerating. James Brooks was given a degree by Auburn University and CAN NOT read or write. When asked by a judge how this was possible, Mr Brooks responded he did not have to go to class. Look at the story circulating every major news outlet today regarding academic scandal at UNC where FAKE classes are being given to athletes to keep them academically eligible to play. All of these examples are from Southern schools, but this is a nationwide epidemic. You think if Penn State was turning a blind eye to children being raped, they’re suddenly a pillar of integrity when it comes to making sure incoming students who BARELY graduated from high school are receiving a REAL college education? Do these students deserve blame for this. Yes, they do. They ARE given an opportunity at a free education and they squander it. That’s tragic. But taking James Brooks as an example… who are you more upset with? Mr Brooks for taking the diploma when it was handed to him, or the institute of higher education who ENABLED him to NOT GET ANY FORM OF ACADEMIC EDUCATION FOR FOUR YEARS… then handed him a diploma anyway. If you paid for your four years at Auburn and worked your tail off to graduate, how do you feel about Auburn handing James Brooks the same diploma they handed you? There is a HUGE difference between giving someone an education and giving someone a diploma. You want to know who the real heroes in College Athletics are? It’s the STUDENTS who happen to be athletes. It’s the professors who demand the best of those STUDENTS who happen to be athletes and refuse to participate in this fraud. It’s the employees of the University who blow the whistle on academic fraud. Who are the villains? It’s the presidents and faculty who CONSPIRE to perpetrate this fraud. It’s disgusting and I feel just a bit sleazier every time I spend so much as one penny that these criminals get to pocket.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:09:48 +0000

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