I hate the word Geo-Engineering. Its a misdirection towards an - TopicsExpress


I hate the word Geo-Engineering. Its a misdirection towards an alibi. It allows the poisoners of humanity who irradiate us with microwaves while filling our bodies and brains with toxic conductive metals, would love nothing more than to have a nice long, ten year debate about man made global warming and whether or not geo-engineering is helping to offset global warming. Meanwhile back at the ranch. Another ten years goes by as the elderly flat out disappear from society. Dead. And those who live are so Aluminum Flouride Mercury poisoned they cant even tell who you are half the time, let alone sharing lifes memories or passing on truth and important information. Its not hard to imagine that after as few as 15 - 20 years from now children will have grown up under Chemtrail skies without any clue that there was a time when the sky was blue. Nobody old enough to remember that time will be left around and if they are they will be ignored as crazy people. They will be gone soon enough. If you think your, my, our children deserve a vaccine poisoned pharmeceutical drugged out factory worker existence where your options are join the military, police and homeland security / prison police state workforce, be a factory worker living in a cubicle in a gated city under 24 hour surveilance, or being one of the lucky people who ends up on the other side of the police state. The prison / slave / inmate. Did you notice the new cameras EVERYWHERE all over town every other intersection 10 at a time and the MICROWAVE TRANSMITTERS pointed at the road surface at many intersections as well and along the side of the road beaming sideways across the road placed along the freeways as well as in town? If everyone had RFID chips that might be necessary to track them alllllll........... Um..... This is not a made for TV sci-fi fantasy thriller. This is the town I, you, WE grew up in. How is your thyroid? COPD? Asthma? Allergy like symptoms much? Doctor prescribe a nasal spray? Sore throat, sinus, itchy eyes? Low-Testosterone? Feeling depressed or lethargic for no good reason. Having trouble remembering things more than usual for you? ALL of these are just some of the wide and varrying effects of Barium and or Aluminum toxic poisoning. Unless we eliminate the toxin from our air we will never recover. Im not some doom gloom preacher nor am I a crazy conspiracy theorist who exaggerates the potential risks to get attention. I honestly care about and for the health of each and every one of you people whether I know you or not. whether I like you or not. Whether you like me or not. I want you to be able to send a fiery email telling me what an arrogant offensive asshole I am if you feel the need. Because you can. Because you are not brain dead from Alzheimers and you can bother with trivial things like that because your GLANDS have not shut down from toxic metal particulate buildup. There are alot of things I wish I could be. A better father. A father who was there at all. Someone who didnt go through all the seemingly pointless and unecessary pain and suffering this world can heap on some souls while not others, for no reason at all. But at this late hour I realize that I could not do what I do or say what I say now, had I been able to live the life and be the person I wanted to be before the fraudulent educational and court / police systems showed me just how little justice there is in our injustice system. Now I can say Look up Wake up. Now I can say 9/11 was an inside job, DUH and DO NOT EVEN FOR 1 SECOND consider letting your children join ANY branch of the US military! DO NOT get your BABIES and or children any of the new government approved immunizations. Unless you want your kids to have lower IQs , poor health, mental problems and apathy. Its not a theory anymore. The is no conspiracy other than the one there has always been. The one that makes nearly everyone you know think that they would be able to tell if anything bad were happening. That it couldnt happen here. If it were really a threat one of the LOL independent news networks would warn us. That our leaders are taking bribes and admittedly not perfect, but far better than those commie terrorist Muslim dictators countries. Great my country isnt that bad compared to a 3rd world shit ho;le that we just bombed for 2 weeks straight. Way to be US proud! Our leaders are clearly bad actors with 100% total allegiance to Banks, Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex that owns all media and even this facebook CIA rag. Our leaders make deals literally with the Devil. They worship demons and sacrifice children to their secret pagan Gods. Then they go pander your vote. Speak with fake accents and make the same promises that the other guy made the election before last again. You remember. The one where the candidates all acted like the threat was real and war was the only way. While they got payed and played we got played and our children growing up in this evil parasitic Satanic Ultra Military programmed society will be the ones who pay. RML
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 07:08:35 +0000

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