I hate to be the one to disappoint all the beauty pageant - TopicsExpress


I hate to be the one to disappoint all the beauty pageant contestants, but world peace not only isnt gonna happen, but its not what we should even be working toward. When you have people with two such fundamentally different views on how the world should be run, there can be no compromise without abandoning what you believe in. It basically comes down to good and evil. God and godlessness. If you dont believe in the one true God, youre on the side of godlessness, whether you youre an atheist, Buddhist, muslim, or whatever. Jesus said He didnt come to bring peace. In Matthew 10:34, He says, Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. Out of love, He came to sacrifice Himself to take our punishment on Himself IF we accept Him. He also made it clear that few WILL accept Him. Our mission in this world is not to try to bring everyone into a compromising peace, or to push tolerance of sin, but to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ... the good news that if we repent from sin and accept Him, we can live forever with Him. And to also be truthful about what will happen if we dont. We are to love those around us, be quick to forgive, and eager to serve and sacrifice, but were not to compromise the truth if thats the only way we can get along. The rest of Matthew 10 is very sobering as well... Jesus tells us as Christians how we will be persecuted for His sake... there will be people who we just wont be able to get along with no matter how loving we are toward them. They will hate everything we stand for if we stand for Christ, because they dont have the love of our Father in them. We are told to pray for these people, even as they persecute us. These are the people that God sent His son to the world to save. If you havent accepted Jesus Christ, dont assume you have plenty of time to get around to it when youre ready to settle down. Someone could pull out in front you in traffic today... one second life seems good, the next theyre driving you away in an ambulance. Ask me how I know. If you need to talk, send me a private message. Nothing else you have going on is as important as getting right with God right now.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:14:56 +0000

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