I hate to be the wet blanket on this issue, but I think before we - TopicsExpress


I hate to be the wet blanket on this issue, but I think before we all get angry at the fact were not yet funding this idea, perhaps its smart to research the subject a little further rather than simply watching a catchy video....which is what I did...Ive been reading about solar cells and power for three days now. While the video is fun and hip, it leaves out one really important factor when planning to pave the roads with solar panels. That factor is; that with current technology, solar panel just barely...BARELY...produce more energy than it takes to make them. The silicon has to be melted at 3000 degrees, and that is after its mined and transported. The solar panels you have on your roof right now...facing the sun and covered with a VERY thin layer of glass have a EROEI ( energy returned on energy invested) of about 1.6 compared with Domestic oil- 65, Coal- 85 and Hydro power-95 efficiency. Basically....when we put these panel on roads ( not aimed, hidden under very thick glass and then driven on...) we risk a net NEGATIVE energy returned on energy invested. Well likely use more energy installing them ( via fossil fuels) than these panels will ever produce in their lifetime. Solar panels installed 10 years ago are going to finally pass the energy returned on energy invested threshold in the year 2020, IF...and its big IF...they dont burn out and need to be replaced before then. This is a snazzy concept...but its not grounded in the laws of physics, the laws of thermodynamics or the laws of economics. Worse yet, the production of them may actually produce MORE pollution than they are supposed to reduce. A better idea is to put these on rooftops, where thinner glass can be used and the panels can be aimed. I wouldnt mind seeing every roof be solar panels. At least they have a chance of producing NET energy. Lets hope that people approach this with scientific minds rather than just kind hearts.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 03:37:47 +0000

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