I hate to boar some folks with Political Crap. I only respond to - TopicsExpress


I hate to boar some folks with Political Crap. I only respond to matters concerning the Law or lack there of or when a situation becomes A a massive serious public health or or safety concearn. Zimmerman, Stop and Frisk and Racial overtones of a President are all related and are vert very serious. They tbreaten to take down our Society as we know it and thrust us back 200 years to the torment of the civil war and its racial issues.The advent of theese powerful social media circles where everything is IMMEDIATE and widespread is certainly fuelin and igniting the current racial tensions in America. Instead of a President that should guide us to peace and unity in a time of racial division we have a PRESIDENT who is repeatedly incited a racial riot. I really wish Martin Luther King was alive he would be President right now or would have allready been. He was a true leader, a hero inspiring millions to peacefully state thier cause and they won in the 1960"s thier civil rights movement BECAUSE of that great man. SHARPTON AND OBAMA are NOT like Dr. KING IN ANY WAY. ITS SADDENS ME TO SEE OBAMA DOING THIS. I VOTED FOR HIM NOT BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK OR A DEMOCRATIC. HE STOOD FOR CHANGE THAT THE COUNTRY NEEDED. BUT WE NOW SEE HE LIED. NOT ONLY DID I AND MOST OF AMERICA HAVE ANY CLUE THAT HE HAD RACIEL ISSUES. COMING FROM A WHITE MOTHER AND HARVARD EDUCATED, HE SEEMED LIKE THE PERFECT CANDIDATE. BOY WERE WE WRONG. IM SHOCKED AT THIS PRESIDENTS HATRED. FOGET HIS LACK OF LEADERSHIP AND AND LACK OF ANY SUCCESSFUL POLICIES. BACK TO THE LAW. I am a firm advocate and scholar on the US CONSTITUTION. I allways support the underdog, advocate for the peple, and I am against ILLEGAL searchs no matter what color you are. I have A VERY diverse background as I was raised An African-American household with African American stepmother as well as my real white mother. So. Ive had a RINGSIDE seat in both cultures white and black. There was a time when every friend I had was African American and Hispanic. Yes there is racism in both cultures. Ive heard and seen it ALL from both sides. BUT we have come a long way in the North with equal rights. I cant speak for the South. Nothing against ANYONE in the South but it seems like civil rights are still dragging along down there. I hope im proven wrong. We have sure come a long as a country as a whole for civil rights. Racism will allways exist in some FEBEL minds but we can and do have equal rights in employment, schools,government, public places, housing, transportation, the list goes on and on. IT APPEARS we dont have equal rights in the Criminal Justice system. No matter who enters the system regardless of race they will see a very violent manipulating system that inherantly breeds racism violence, fear and uncertainty on its prey, the alledged criminal. SOME are so scared and shocked by this they do what it takes to never come back. That is school, training, and employment. This is the deterent working in a perfect world working like it should. But the world will never be perfect and life is not fair and this has nothing to do with race. Those are the laws of the jungle like it or not. WHATS wrong with the system Is that most enjoy this manipulative violence and feed off it , assuring them a two way ticket , one to get out and one to go right back in usually for a similar or the same crime. We must have a conversation with African American leaders NOT SHARPTON, JACKSON OR OBAMA. We need leaders to come to the table from every aspect the Criminal Justic system and dezl with the negative social economic factors that cripple the minority population. Forget the real criminals theres no hope for them regardless of color. But there is a whole generation of young African-American, Latinos, and other MINORITIES that are counting on us to do the right thing. Thier lives deprnd on it. We owe it to them to denounce the PEOPLE who are fueling the racism debate with violence. The issue must be resolved peacefully. We must examine stop and frisk for the huge bias discresion that lies with any one officers decision. We must tackle the unfair assumption by Police that all blacks are criminals. Again, racism will allways exist in febel minds but we can, we will , and we HAVE to address the raciel bias that lie deep in our criminal justice system.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:36:31 +0000

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