I hate to go on a rant but... Wow... Ebola, Ebola, Ebola. CNN - TopicsExpress


I hate to go on a rant but... Wow... Ebola, Ebola, Ebola. CNN is up in a shit-storm of fear-mongering this time, as well as Fox News. In the last couple of weeks, the Ebola Virus has seemed to gain notoriety out of nowhere. Supposedly a byproduct of bats in deepest, darkest Africa, brought into America twice, once to treat an active case, a second time by a person who came from the source area in Africa, supposedly not knowing he was infected. But Im not hearing any real journalism from these idiot-box jockeys, just a bunch of fear, incompetence and more fear. So what do we really know about Ebola? Or better yet, what is known about Ebola already that our mainstream media isnt jumping up to remind us of? Well we know, for a fact, that if you Google the history of Ebola, youll find that Russia and America have both worked in the past militarizing this virus to be a deployable bio-warfare weapon. No, this isnt the movie Outbreak, and what were dealing with isnt quite as aggressive as Mr. Motaba, nevertheless, Ebola has been successfully combined with a common cold type virus to make it easily contagious. And with that in mind, are we really so naive as to think the spread of this plague isnt--in some shape or form--intentional? So what do I think about CNNs article on the Nurse in Texas who supposedly broke or ignored protocol? No, the Nurse in Texas didnt break protocol... But the narrative is that the Nurse in Texas was providing care for Thomas Eric Duncan (who died), and that was the reason she contracted Ebola, they were quick to say guidelines werent followed when she took the commercial flight. Well, thats complete crap. First off, the CDC has been claiming that to cut off travel from the areas in Africa affected would be tantamount to causing the virus to spread, and keeping travel open is the best way to stop it. These talking points which were issued to these State Health Officials by the CDC big shots are the complete opposite of known truths regarding the containment of such lethal viruses. Just look up any medical journal on viral quarantine procedure and youll that this is biological warfare at its finest. This kind of leadership from the CDC is basically criminal negligence. As for the Nurse, proper protocol was never set up, and she followed what she was ordered to do. From a non-conspiracy-oriented perspective, you might think the bug is more virulent than expected, and can be carried through the air, so the protocols deployed were not effective and higher protocols of protection are needed, OR (what I think) the Nurse was purposely infected as a part of a monstrous covert false-flag act of biological blackmail!!! Dun, dun, dunnn!!! But blackmailing of whom and for what purposes? In any false-flag, someone or some party is falsely blamed. And my guess, if I were a Zionist-eugenics-psychopath-Monsanto-vaccine-chemtrail sorta guy like Bill Gates, is that a new Ebola Vaccine will soon be rolled out. I also think many will refuse it while Ebola is “covertly seeded” across America through CDC guidance coupled with the confusion of good ol fashioned plausible deniability. Then, as the spreading virus reaches a tipping point, the vaccination-refusers will be blamed for it. And this blame will then perhaps be used as an excuse to attack and intern those who won’t comply, either murdering them in their own homes, or taking them to quarantined FEMA Camps, where they can be forcibly inoculated with vaccines containing Ebola. Isnt this a great way to create a false need for forced vaccinations on everyone, even on the vaccine-resisters who know far too much about Big Pharma’s eugenics plan? (insert sarcasm) This long term eugenics plan is believed to be driven by the World Zionist Globalist Banksters from the City of London and is believed to involve the injection of known highly toxic substances and slow acting cancer causing viruses. It is a known fact that the numbers of Americans who distrust vaccines and are refusing them for themselves and their kids are growing daily. A great deal of negative information has been circulated in the alternative media on the worldwide internet. Much of this new information is valid, coming from esteemed medical practitioners and researchers and even reported in respected peer-reviewed journals. Sherri Tenpenny is a great example. You can do some basic research for yourself, but an association between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders has been established, and deaths and disabilities have resulted from the HPV vaccine, which so many hospitals, doctors, nurses, heath departments, employers and schools are pushing. Yes, there are a lot of good reasons to distrust vaccines and many new ones every day. There is a great deal of new evidence coming out from scientific and peer reviewed medical journals suggesting vaccines can be harmful and even dangerous. One Canadian MD’s research showed that those who got flu vaccines had slightly more influenza than those who didnt. Other research has shown that HP vaccines can be lethal and significantly dangerous, but vaccine manufacturers, health departments and Doctors are relentlessly pushing these vaccines on young girls, and now boys, anyhow. But is it really that surprising that the medical industry ignores such facts when theres more money to be made through vaccinations causing sickness than ones that actually cure disease?
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 08:36:30 +0000

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