I have 3,188 friends can you imagine if all of them shared this - TopicsExpress


I have 3,188 friends can you imagine if all of them shared this just once maybe then I could get some justice not sure probably just grabbing at straws again. DHS is a Criminal Organization and I can prove it. I have documentation that proves they doctored records. I have documentation that proves that a police officer committed fraud and filed a false police report and knew that it was lie at the time that he filed it. I can prove that a case worker was allowed to burst into a home with a police escort to steal a child while she herself had to active warrants for her arrest. I can prove that the Governor, the Attorney General and many others all knew this was going on and did nothing. I can prove that David Prater allowed the influence of DHS to be a factor in prosecuting a woman that everybody knew was innocent and that the evidence his office claimed to have NEVER EXISTED!!!!!!!! Arrested and thrown in jail and denied bail even though everybody knew I had done nothing wrong. I have boxes of files that would blow your mind tape recordings etc. etc. etc. I have had 4 lawyers forced off of my case so the public wont know what was really done to me and my family. I have had my life threaten to say the least. I have had to change cell phones 5 times because of death threats. I have had to move 3 times because of the stalking and harassing. My house was paid for and I had been on the job for 9 years (she was a fairly new worker after being fired from the Attorney Generals office). Because she got mad and wanted to be mean I was told I had to choose between my grandson or my job all because she worked for DHS. On one occasion she obtained my address, she drove to my house and wrote down the tag #. She did not know that I was in the car until I rolled down the window and asked her if she needed anything. She turned the tag # over to the police with a good story I am sure and had a cop pull me over and write me a ticket for a street he wasnt even on. He lied 3 times on the stand so bad he was actually stuttering when caught and the judge let it all slide as a favor to the cop. They did this to a person who had no criminal record and, a 38 year perfect driving record just to prove a point, and those are just some of the highlights I have so much more. Now knowing all that I have this to say. Dont tell me that doesnt sound like a criminal organization, the Mob etc. etc. etc. using what ever they want to get what they want. Where is the Justice in that? So now why dont you go through all that and so much more and tell me how that is right, legal, or even humane. I have been treated like crap all because of a lie and somebody who was power hungry it wasnt right and nobody cares. My life has been ruined I lost everything and did absolutely nothing wrong. Now put yourself in my shoes. Now here is the irony in all of this the first time I met this woman she told me in not very pretty language that she would destroy me and the state of Oklahoma helped her. I loved this State and was proud to say that I was born here. I was proud to say that my Great Grandfather was once Chief Justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court. Unfortunately I am not so proud of any of that anymore and its sad it really is.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:00:32 +0000

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