I have 453 FB friends, and Im not sure why....Some of them have - TopicsExpress


I have 453 FB friends, and Im not sure why....Some of them have very disgusting & selfish opinions when it comes to their fellow man. These are people I use to be friends with many years ago, but it seems that under the cover of FB their true colors come shining through when it comes to racism, religion, social class & politics. And I dont mean whether they vote Dem or Rep or indie. If we all had the same opinions & voted the same it would be a terrifying Kubrick film. What I mean is some people care so little about others and so much about themselves, that they will follow any politician whose platform is based on screwing the little guy in order to reward the big guy. These are so-called friends that cause me to purchase way too much Alka Seltzer because of their status posts, whether written by them, or memes that are mindlessly reposted with no thought as to how their image is being projected to the outside world. With this is in mind, I have decided that I see no reason for me to be subjected to such hurtful writings. I will therefore begin a cleansing starting this week. I’m telling you all this just so if you wondered why I’m no longer on your newsfeed, that’s what happened. Please feel free to keep posting whatever you like, it is a free country – Thank God -- and you have every right to say whats on your mind, but I hope you are doing so because its something YOU researched fully yourself and feel very strong about. EXPERIMENT #1 (week of 5/18-5/24): I WILL BE UNFRIENDING ANYONE WHO POSTS OR REPOSTS ANY STATEMENTS OR MEMES REGARDING CUTTING FOODSTAMPS TO THE NEEDY.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 18:07:01 +0000

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