I have Realised after a Comprehensive Analysis and Perception of - TopicsExpress


I have Realised after a Comprehensive Analysis and Perception of Human Psyche and Behavioural Patterns that THERE ARE 4 MAIN CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD...HERE IT GOES...Your Relatives/Friends/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Spouse/Family all Might come into One of These... CATEGORY A - The Indifferent Lot.These Kinds dont care whether You Live or Die.Your Existence itself has no Value for them..They are in the Literal Sense Indifferent to your Every Emotion..Setback...Joy or Movement in Life.For YOU This Category should NOT matter at all.At some point You Will stop Caring for a Person that does not care BACK for you n You would get Indifferent towards them too.Their Existence will not Stir even an Iota within you.DONT BOTHER EVEN A SECOND OF YOUR LIFE FOR SUCH KINDS... CATEGORY B - The Deep Lover - These Kind of People are the Complete Opposite of Category A.Their Love for You is so Deep that they would ALWAYS Only Support You..Encourage You...Speak Positive and Motivational Things to You.Their Love would Encompass and Engulf Them so Intensely that they will NEVER find the Flaws or Faults in You.SUCH PEOPLE ARE THE ENERGY GIVERS.THEIR POSITIVITY AFFECTS YOU AND ELEVATES YOU.BELIEVE ME IF YOU GOT SUCH PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE THAT FALL IN THIS CATEGORY ALWAYS KEEP THEM CLOSE.NEVER LET THEM GO... CATEGORY C - These are The Well Wishers...They Find the Good in you..Praise you when the Need be and Mind you also Point out your Flaws or Areas of Improvisations in a very Polite Fashion.They Care and therefore would NEVER wanna Hurt you in Anyway..So if they want u to Improve they will Believe You Me put it Across to You in an Extremely Polite manner and Pump you up...Healthy Constructive Critics...KEEP THEM IN YOUR LIFE TOO... CATEGORY D - This Category is The Last and The Absolute WORST OF THE LOT.They are the Negative Wanderers...No matter how Hard you Trying in Life or How you are they shall Never repeat NEVER find Anything Good in you.EVER.They were Born To Criticise..Find Faults in you...Envy you Internally...Everytime they open their Mouths they will Spit Venom out for you whether on your Face or Behind your Back...THEY CAN NEVER SEE YOU HAPPY.PERIOD.THEY ARE THE ENERGY SUCKERS.Jealousy Envy...Hatred Run Deep In Them.They are the Great Actors existent on Planet Earth...They will talk Sweetly to you on your Face...Back turned n Their Loathe towards you Erupts...Gossip Mongers...Good For Nothing Down Pullers....STAY AWAY AND CUT SUCH PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR LIFE FOREVER.KEEP THEM AT BAY... ALWAYS REMEMBER LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU WANT TOO..DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY...RESPECT THE ONES THAT LOVE AND RESPECT YOU ..AND ANYONE THAT PULLS YOU DOWN OR HAS A PROBLEM WITH HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE OR HOW THE REAL YOU IS...CUT THEM OFF..I ALWAYS SAY THIS NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL THIS CIRCLE OF PEOPLE MIGHT BE BUT SURROUND YOURSELF WITH ONLY THE RIGHT PEOPLE FOR YOU...YES FOR YOU...!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 06:43:30 +0000

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