I have a LONG PRAISE story to report! As many in my area know, - TopicsExpress


I have a LONG PRAISE story to report! As many in my area know, breaking down on a long and winding roadway with no wide spots to pull over and usually no cell phone transmission, can be a trying situation. To rewind a bit; it all started with a recall parts notice from Dodge. The recall and warning notice was about a tie rod ball stud stating that it could fracture under certain driving conditions and it could cause loss of directional control or even crash without a warning. Now, lets fast-forward: On one occasion, we called Fletcher Dodge trying to arrange an appointment for them to inspect and replace the tie rod if there were any issues. They said they would call us when the parts came in. They did not call us nor attempt to do so. Well, about 3 weeks after that, I took my Dodge to the dealership in person, at which time the mechanic said everything seems ok and quote the jury is still out on the decision about the tie rods really needing to be replaced at all. I have been a customer of Fletchers for nearly 20 years, and have bought everyone of my farm vehicles from them and trusted the opinion of their shop manager. Well, today, on my way home from the big city, my vehicle was starting to go thump, thump, drag, drag, thud, thud. I thought must be a flat only my 10 ply tires were good and no flat. The vehicle kept thumping and that is when it occurred it was not going anywhere. The sun was just beginning to go down and it was very close to nighttime. Most know how deserted, dark and lonely the road is on the way to Plainview with no wide spots in the road to pull over. Well, out of the shadows came a man with a fully loaded (huge) truck. It turns out he is a logger and he lives in the general area. Being a logger he said he is handy at improvising in these situations. The tie rod that the dealership said to not worry about, was broken. Mr. Hodges, the gentleman who stopped, actually wired the tie rod good enough for us to get back home. He not only wired the rod he actually followed us all the way home (that is 40 miles roundtrip out of his way). What a wonderful Samaritan he is. I wanted to pay him for his wonderful act of kindness but he flat out refused. What a Godsend he is. In the morning, we are taking the Dodge to our local mechanic. However, Fletcher Dodge is getting a call from us because we really could have had a crash and lost control. It is inexcusable that two times, the dealership basically ignored the safety recall notice. What makes this more of a heavenly story is that Mike is still in a splint and I have never wired a tie rod before and didnt know it could be done either. P.S. If you ever get a recall notice, never allow a shop mechanic, at the dealership ignore it because it could cause a serious accident or worse. So, this has been a day full of big blessings!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 03:58:20 +0000

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