I have a complete plan to solve Social Security. It is - TopicsExpress


I have a complete plan to solve Social Security. It is unacceptable that Washington put this program in jeopardy. Im the only candidate taking specific positions to solve the problem. Some talk a nice game but have no details. My competitors want to have the discussion later. We are having the discussion now. It is time for them to catch up to an Independent taking the lead on tough issues. America, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Make the change in 2014 or own the failure. Vote free from party this November to solve problems. Here is the best worksheet (photos below) Ive seen to help people make a decision. These sheets were created by AARP. Ignore your feelings on AARP. This is a math problem they have put together in a spreadsheet to aid discussion. Do not jump to the conclusion I’m for or against the AARP. I just found their material helpful to frame the discussion. Im flexible in how we deal with social security but Im not flexible in not making an adjustment. Our most elderly citizens deserve solvency of a plan. Here is the path I see to 100% solvency of Social Security. Raise the retirement age to 70 by 2040 (this solves 44% of the problem). Increase the payroll tax cap to $215,000 (this solves 36% of the problem). Trim the benefits for the top earning 25% (this solves 7% of the problem). I am a CPA and I realize this only solves 87% of the problem. I see an additional two options to find the last 13% or more. The first is easy. Cut down on fraud! Senator Coburn (R) of Oklahoma is pursuing very real plans to cut down on Social Security fraud and I’m very likely to support his bills to deal with this problem. Second, one very real solution not on this page is to create a stronger criteria to obtain social security. This is a trust fund created by and for the working. It is not a right of all people who do not work. As of now you earn up to 4 credits a year, one credit for each $1,200 earned. You can earn your maximum credits for the year (4) by making $4,800 of income. 40 credits (10 years) and you have full social security. I think we can improve the gap and limit social security to those putting in at least 25 hours a week on minimum wage. I would raise the credit level to $2,300. I would move the full credit criteria to $9,200 for the year and I would make full social security eligibility 60 credits (15 years). There is no corresponding percentage number on this but I believe it would be significant. I would have the CBO crunch the numbers to insure that my plan would solve 100% of the problem. We need access to social security to be higher than $48,000 of lifetime earnings. Moving lifetime earnings to $138,000 makes more sense to me. We are requiring people making at least $9,200 a year as opposed to $4,800 to be eligible for social security. Furthermore, we are talking about working a full 15 years as opposed to only 10 years to be eligible to draw from the system. I think this would easily solve the remaining 13% of the problem. The overage could be applied to making one of the other categories less significant of a cut and/or improve the COLA adjustment for seniors to better deal with inflation. Make sure all the naysayers including my competitors give you a plan that solves the plan 100% before they throw stones. Im not accepting criticism on this plan. I am accepting alternative scenarios you see that equates to 100% and puts social security back on solid ground. All problem solvers are welcome to the debate. All complainers with no plan will not be listened to. Feel free to post your solution below and add to the debate. Critics with no solution can blog on a Party Politicians site. Solutions not sound bites is our mantra. We are Independent Problem Solvers. We are tired of the popularity contest parties with no backbone. I don’t need your adoration, I just need our seniors and kids to see a brighter future, and I need your vote. As a last point Ive heard, I earned that money. I deserve that money. I understand the frustration. You did earn that money. Keep in mind I did not spend your money or create this problem. Im trying to solve the problem created by the previous generational leadership in Washington. Im trying to insure there is something left for everyone in the long-term. I want to make sure our eldest seniors are well taken care of and our children are not bankrupted by the financial irresponsibility of the previous Washington leadership. I am the only candidate to put a detailed plan out there. I am here to get things done and bury the political talk. No one else will give you straight talk like Todd Watson for US Senate. I am not allowing passing the buck anymore. We are going to deal with our problems and pass a better future to the next generation. It is our Constitutional duty. Please like, share, and debate with your friends.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:55:22 +0000

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