I have a confession to make. It is about last night. I have - TopicsExpress


I have a confession to make. It is about last night. I have been a bad boy. Lol.. The party was a wild one or it was supposed to be wild. I was excited when my friends said lets go to the Disco below NBCC Convention Centre. So off i went to the place where the supposed wild party was gonna start. On reaching the spot i realized there was no parking spot but magically found an uphill road that looked so tempting, little did i realize that i was going to my own destruction. I saw that some few cars were parked but relieved to see that it was spacious enough to park my car. Being the awesome genius i thought i should park my car in such a way that i could easily drive away later because i was probably gonna get drunk later. That was where it all went wrong!!! The place was actually a dried-up pond and my car was caught up in a muddy area which was almost close to a quick sand. The more i tried to get away from it, the more it sunk down. Left with no choice i called in my friends to help me and they all turned up. We tried looking for a rope to pull my car out of that hellish trench but couldnt find any. So one of my friend(a Sümi lad) suggested his muffler was as strong as steel and offered it. I offered my crocodile skin belt and My Angami friend offered his bolero and we tied the two cars together. We were all hoping for a miracle but our dreams were crushed when my car refused to even budge an inch. The amazing two things which we learned from this first trial was that the muffler was indeed as strong as steel as advertised and the second thing was that i had bought a fake crocodile skin belt because it was torn to tiny small shreds. I decided i would go and complain to the shopkeeper where i had purchased it later. So once again i was devastated that nothing can help me and i was doomed for sure. But the sight of my Sümi friend carrying a long steel rod this time gave me renewed hope. I later learned that he had stolen it from a construction site. So guys you should remember us Sümi lads arent only capable of stealing bikes. We can even steal the Taj Mahal if in dire need. Anyway so we bended both ends of the steel rod and connected it to both my car and my angami friends car. All hopes were once again crushed. It simply didnt work out like we planned and thought. But we learned from this second trial that bolero isnt 4wheel drive. We needed a Gypsy or so we thought. It was already more than four hrs we had been working on my car and i knew i had totally ruined everyones night. So being the thoughtful me i sent off all my friends and decided to call on a brother i knew who had a Gypsy with him. He came straight away to my rescue even though i knew he was in deep sleep when i called him up. The annoying and frustrating part was even this trial totally failed. Left with no option, I called up my mom and sister for help. Yeah they were very loud when i shared my woes.. We decided that we would find a pickup truck in the morning. They wanted me to come home but i decided The secluded place was a safer place than my home at that moment. So i spent the night on my car, cold and dark. The only sound that reverberated was the humming of my car engine as i had to keep the heater on. Next morning i witnessed a spectacular sight to behold. It was so relieving when my car finally got pulled by the tow truck out of that hellish dried-up-pond of a swamp. Moral ~ Never go there again- Secretariat Road, below NBCC Convention Centre, left side of the Bridge. True story~ :P :v
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:22:35 +0000

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