I have a different interpretation of Labor Day, which I hope many - TopicsExpress


I have a different interpretation of Labor Day, which I hope many of you share. Instead of glorifying unions, why not honor those who truly labor for or have labored for us? First and foremost, mothers were patient enough and brave enough to deliver us into this world and spend countless years raising us, especially with the help of fathers. (Be grateful for your mommas!) Second, we should use this day to commemorate the lives lost to organized labor a la communism, especially those in Asia, Africa, Cuba, and former USSR. (This figure totals over 100 million.) Although my late maternal grandpa was lucky to survive 18 months in one of Stalins gulags, the effects of forced labor left him distraught, broken, and fearful of the world. (Equal sharing of misery shouldnt be celebrated.) Lastly, honor workers/laborers (small business owners, their staff,etc) who work diligently to ensure that millions dont feel the negative effects of high regulations and those who work diligently in the name of competition--not force. (My dad has done more as a general contractor for nearly 30 years by bringing so much joy to his clients.) Whether you own or work for a business like a restaurant, start-up company, etc., dont discount the labor of love encouraged by free enterprise, innovation, and ingenuity. Happy Labor Day!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:34:02 +0000

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