I have a few minutes to kill and my dear friend Cheryl Wood - TopicsExpress


I have a few minutes to kill and my dear friend Cheryl Wood Clayton generously gave me the number 12. Because I am one of those very open people it is probably impossible for me to write even ONE thing that NO ONE knows about me, much less 12...but I will do my very best: 1. My favorite saying about my faith is this: I was born and raised Catholic, attended a Baptist church, was saved in a Pentecost church during the Jesus Freaks years, joined a Lutheran church, followed by a non-denom. church, and now belong to a Free Methodist church...IF it were true that ONLY ONE denomination is going to heaven....I have my bases covered! :-) (Just kidding)..but the fact is true. 2. I am not really fond of cats or flamingoes. 3. I love and greatly respect elderly people 4. My first job was a car hop in Malvern Ark. 5. I attended 14 schools in my life and one of those I was in 4 years. 6. If my mother had not shipped me back to Michigan when I was 16 to live with my dad again, I would have married the town hood:-). 7. I have never smoked a real store bought cigarette...and only once took a drag off of a homemade one that my cousin Judy and Jerry Jerri Getz-Bridges rolled behind a barn when I was 12...(they tried to kill me)..:-) 8. I can count on one hand the number of men I have truly trusted in my life....that being said...I totally trust God for everything... 9. My father, whom I love dearly:-), actually did not see me until I was two days old cause he was disappointed I wasnt a boy:-). (He got over it:-)). 11. When I was 18, my aunt gave me a gold locket that my bio mother got from my bio father as an engagement present...someone stole it from me when I lived in my apartment and I have always felt that loss... 12. If I could worship God anyway I wanted in heaven it would probably be on the back of a Harley...
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:19:06 +0000

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