I have a few things to say about all of the animosity Presby - TopicsExpress


I have a few things to say about all of the animosity Presby Dallas is getting regarding Ebola. I do have to say that I did work there for a decade. Ive also worked in a LOT of different places by now. If I had a kid up here in Mckinney that needed to be transferred, that baby would go to Presby- NOT BUMC, NOT CMC, NOT Medical City Dallas. That being said: 1. Presby really just fell into a pit of bad luck. Wherever that guy showed up would be under fire right now. 2. Yes he got turned away the first time. However, there is a raging bout of gastritis hitting the metroplex right now. I should know- one of my nephews caught it and took down all his caretakers like a rabidly accurate bowling ball. Technically 48 hours ago I too had the early signs and symptoms of Ebola: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscle aches, headache, etc. along with everyone else that watched him around that time. The Whole Foods in Allen had 3 entire shelves empty that should have been full of activated charcoal and was completely empty. Do the math. 3. The main area of contention is that the nurse documented that the patient had traveled to other countries, but it didnt at the time flow to the doctors view (simply put, dont get technical EPIC users.. you know what Im simply saying). We live in an age of technology. Younger and younger parents give their kids cell phones, lap tops, etc. Kids will literally text each other all day instead of have a conversation- even while in the same room by some parental reports. It DOESNT MATTER that you put everything in text. YOU MUST VERBALLY COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER AT ALL TIMES. I have become increasingly concerned that as each successive class graduates from college that their communication skills will consistently diminish because they have been ridiculously hooked in to electronics their entire lives. PARENTS- FIX THAT! 4. Lastly, where the bit of information did flow was to activate a physicians standing order for the influenza vaccine. Dont think that this is just THIS hospital, people! This is how it is set up everywhere. Pretty damn ridiculous isnt it?!?! So someone fell and broke their ankle, ends up in the ER, yep been to Italy last week, FLU SHOT! No doctor needed, no thought process about whether the person has a prior reaction, prior autoimmune disease, is recovering from another illness that means- even according to the insert- that they need to wait until well (hopefully until never, but some people just like their medications), etc etc etc. This is the state our medical system is currently in in this country. Sure, its completely disgusting, but its that way EVERYWHERE. This hospital is no different. Quit demonizing them. And can I just say yet AGAIN, you have a much higher chance (1 in 370,000) of choking to death on your food than you do catching Ebola. If you continue to blatantly spread fear regarding this disease, go ahead and start skipping meals. It only makes sense.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:25:35 +0000

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