I have a group of women, though men will be admitted when Yahuah - TopicsExpress


I have a group of women, though men will be admitted when Yahuah allows, of about 30. One of the things Ive noticed is how each mother of grown children hurts. All of the love, work, effort she put in with what knowledge and skills she had and still she hurts. A dear friend of mine said something rather profound to me tonight. People do not realize that even though the western world has prospered in material, wealth, abundance. Our family life has slowly been deteriorating/decaying. The dysfunction you and I had growing up, only served to affect and decay our parenting abilities. That is on top of what we inherit and are as corrupted beings. Family life is the core/thread that makes the fabric of the nations. You and I know that it will only be resolved when HE returns and establishes HIS REIGN. You may ask, what has this to do with Yom Teruah/Feast of Trumpets? Let me tell you. Our Abba knows our pain, suffering, our struggles to be different from who we were, to learn new ways and etc in a world that just wants to box us in and make us clones of their own sinful beings. Tonight is the begining of what will happen as the time approaches for our Messiah Yahushas return to establish HIS REIGN and make things right. There is a lot of false teachings about this time of the year, two day celebration, head of the year, and etc and etc... Which leads me to this question. Are you ready to lose ALL? Mother, father, sister, brother, children, grandchildren and etc? Or is it just lip service? Are you ready to let it all go and simply go where HE leads? Deu 28:53 “And you shall eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom יהוה your Elohim has given you, in the siege and distress in which your enemies distress you. Deu 28:54 “The man among you who is tender, and who is very delicate, his eye is evil against his brother, against the wife of his bosom, and against the rest of his children whom he leaves behind, Deu 28:55 against giving any of them the flesh of his children that he eats, because it is all that has been left to him in the siege and distress with which your enemy distresses you in all your gates. Deu 28:56 “The tender and the delicate woman among you, who have not tried to set the sole of her foot on the ground because of her delicateness and tenderness, her eye is evil against the husband of her bosom, and against her son, and against her daughter, Deu 28:57 and against her seed which comes out from between her feet, and her children whom she bears, for she eats them in secret for lack of all, in the siege and distress with which your enemy distresses you in all your gates. Luk 12:51 “Do you think that I came to give peace on earth? I say to you, no, but rather division. Luk 12:52 “For from now on five in one house shall be divided, three against two, and two against three – Luk 12:53 father shall be divided against son, and son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” What would our Abba say to you tonight if you stood before HIM? The trumpets are sounding, time is drawing closer and I am concerned that the story of the 10 maidens is coming into play. I just want to make sure we all check where we stand before Yahuah. I want to be a servant who hears, Well, done my daughter. So yeah, we mothers who hurt must find a way to focus on doing Abbas will and letting HIM handle our children. It is sad, it hurts and will not be easy, but it is time to be about our Abbas business. They get to make their choice... So let the trumpets and shofars sound for the KING is coming!! HalleluYAH!!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:52:41 +0000

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