I have a heart warming story about a dad and his 14 year old - TopicsExpress


I have a heart warming story about a dad and his 14 year old daughter. In honor of my beloved daughter Terry Ann Meyerholz who at age 44 on April 1, 2000 passed away. Terry, our first child, was born October 31, 1955: In the summer of 1969, one Saturday evening. I was scheduled to work a teenage dance at the Jewish Community Center on Chapel Street. Just before leaving the house ,Terry asked, dad can I go with you, please? I called Stan Sprechman and asked him if I could bring my 14 year old daughter with me. Terry is mature and she wont interfer with my Police responsibilities. Of course you can bring you daughter with you, Stan said. Terry got dressed quickly and we left our East Haven home for the Jewish Center. We arrived at about 7:00 PM for the scheduled 8:00 PM dance. I got Terry situated at a table near the front door where I would be stationed most of the night. Got her a soda and kissed her forehead. Everything went very smooth. I caugh a few kids smoking in the mens room but nothing major. The dance broke just after 11:00 PM. It took almost an hour to made sure the kids all had rides home and were all safely out of the building. My car was parked around the corner on Park Street. As Terry and I walked to the car she said, daddy, Im cold. It did get chilly. Remember that I am still in full police uniform. I put my left arm around her shoulder and hugged her close to me. As we walked west on Chapel Street, a couple was walking in the opposite direction. As they passed us the lady said, thats disgusting, that Policeman with that young girl, just disgusting. We stopped. I said, maam, I am Officer Robert Meyerholz, badge 267. This is my daughter Terry Ann. We are coming from a teen dance at The Jewish Community Center. She apologixed and her husband said, something like, next time mind your own business dear. We got in our car and went home.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:34:36 +0000

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