I have a lot of local ghost stories because I have been a ghost - TopicsExpress


I have a lot of local ghost stories because I have been a ghost hunter for over 14 years now. But there are some places are widely known around my hometown area. Willard Library is probably the most famous, though I have to admit that even though I have been there many times, and once even used a ouija board on the grounds I have never seen or felt anything there. But I do have one funny story from there at least, and I am going to share it now... sure it isnt paranormal but I think you will get a kick out of it! Back in 1998 when I was in high school my best friend Jason Crow and I decided we were going to go all Scooby Doo at Willard and see the ghost. Neither of us had ever been there so we honestly didnt know what to expect. We get there and the building is gorgeous inside and out, sweeping staircases, carved mouldings and paintings all over the walls... it was exactly the kind of place you would imagine being haunted by some tortured Victorian soul. We talk to the employees and they tell us the most active area is the basement where the Childrens Area is, so we head down there. The basement is gloomy and kinda dark and even the cheerful bright yellow book shelves are no match for the creepy basement. We start talking to the librarian when I suddenly have to pee... Jason being a guy cannot go with me and the bathrooms are across the dark, gloomy hallway in the basement also... So I have to go alone. But I make Jason swear that if he hears me screaming he will come to my rescue anyway. So I get in the bathroom and I start taking care of business and I am literally talking out loud to the ghost at this point. I can handle seeing something ANYWHERE ELSE, but please dont do anything while my pants are around my ankles! I get up and immediately the toilet flushes... I jump out of my skin pull my pants up and run to the Childrens Area! I look at the librarian and say, Guess what just happened to me! Without blinking the librarian says, The toilet flushed? I was taken aback and said, Yeah, how did you know?! And she explained that I was the third person that week and they had just installed automatic toilets! LOL Since then the webcam on their website and shows like Ghost Hunters have made the place famous. I have been to all the ghost tours at Halloween and I even have family (who are also ghost hunters) who have done overnights there. I even have a library card for Willard because frankly they have the best genealogy department in the Tristate area and I have used it several times to investigate other ghost hunts I have done. Southern Indiana is funny about ghosts because of its Bible-Belt attitude about things they dont like talking openly about their experiences, but everyone has at least one. This place is crawling with paranormal activity but you wont find it listed on a website or shown on a ghost documentary which is sad in a way because to me the ghosts are the best part about living around here. I will post some of the places I have had experiences on here and you will see what I am talking about. Unfortunately, Willard Library is not one of them. https://youtube/watch?v=325jJyRVudg
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 06:13:54 +0000

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