I have a love/hate relationship with supplements. Whilst I LOVE - TopicsExpress


I have a love/hate relationship with supplements. Whilst I LOVE them because they are brilliant and they help us and they correct deficiencies etc, I dont love them so much because I wish we didnt need them in the first place! And also people have an ailment, take a supp and think its better than a drug, and dont explore any further. I use the analogy that your body is like a bucket, and if youve got a hole in your bucket (a nutrient deficiency), its no good filling the bucket up (even with that nutrient) if you dont find and fix the hole! Whilst of course the supplement may make you feel better because it is supplying your bod with whats missing, the underlying CAUSE of the issue may be doing you irreparable damage that you are ignoring because youre feeling better. Take iron for example, thats an easy one. Iron deficiency can be caused by a million different things - dietary inadequacy, stomach ulcers, heavy periods, coeliac and bowel problems to name but a few. If you just take a supp and dont address the underlying issues the damage could be twofold. Number one iron supplementation can be a cause for concern in and of itself, and number two if the cause is not addressed it can end up a whole lot worse than just a simple iron deficiency. Take any deficiency as a warning, and fix the holes in your buckets (dear Liza) !!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 04:23:53 +0000

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