I have a major confession 2 make.... I didnt say anything when it - TopicsExpress


I have a major confession 2 make.... I didnt say anything when it all happened because I was still trying 2 make sense out of it.... here it go... 3 weeks ago, I was confronted by a much older man, who began talking 2 me , like we knew eachother for years. He offered me half a pack of ciggs he had just bought , and then 3 of his friends came up 2 us. We all chilled , and smoked , but then something happened that even now, I still cant fully sink into my head yet... The one who first approached me, explained that they had to do some things, and they had to go... but before they left, he had me stand in front of him... I stood up, and in front of him... he asked me to shake his hand... when I went to shake his hand, he held it , and said It aint what u might be thinking , just listen.... He looked at me and said... Your 34 , which by spiritual numeric order, u are actually 33... and 33s never die. This, as he kept my hand in shaking position , minus the actual shaking. He went on to say, Anytime u see somebody look you in the eye, and extend their hand, u give them this ssacred handshake... he then shows me the handshake, which I will not go into detail on, as I am not sure who knows about this, or who knows what, for my own protection. He did the sacred shake , then he hugged me , and heres the CRAZY part, but NO jumping to conclusions... he then kissed me on my cheek , and the other three proceeded to do the same three things in sync... Then they said, You have NOTHING to worry about. theres more than 300,000 of us in the world ,and now 1 plus. Before I knew it, his next words hit me harder than a metra... he said Brother , you are now initiated. .... I didnt know what 2 do... it all happened so fast... I thought they were trying 2 gay a nigga up at first, but instead, I was Initiated and told not 2 worry no more cuz everything was gonna b perfect soon. Its insane... one day, ur just a local reject of the town... next thing , ur a chosen reject of the town.... I dont honestly know whats gonna be going down from here, but I assure u I am being very careful.... something strange is happening... I mean, days after that, I learned of a church I frequently stop into holds tons of books on the teachings of Wicca and other forms of witchcraft in Lagrange , and it just all doesnt feel like a coincidence... How the hell did this guy know my age , and how did I just suddenly slip into an initiation like that? And why is a methodist church holding teachings of the Wicca? Why is it all coming into play now after more than 15 yrs of leaving the Wicca? Its like something is trying 2 pull me back in , like that Godfather movie... for all my faith driven ppl, I am being VERY cautions and careful now... The more popular my music gets, I get a feeling things are gonna get deeper and more powerful somehow. I gotta let time and careful planning be the holder. This one is even beyond me at the moment. Can anybody explain or have a story similar 2 this that can tell me what is going on?
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 00:32:16 +0000

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