I have a point that I would like answered; Lets assume their is no - TopicsExpress


I have a point that I would like answered; Lets assume their is no God, in fact, lets accept the naturalist definition of morality. By that, the belief that morality was formed through steps of progression through evolution. Hence, morality is required for evolution to press on. For example, love would be a needed functioning trait for us to grasp in order for evolution to process. Without love our society and world would fall into chaos. So, with that aside. Let me phrase this, like christianity, atheists hold to a worldview that they deem is the truth. In fact christians and atheists say they hold the truth. Since both sides admire the truth,they claim their worldview is needed to strengthen the fabric of society. So essentially your both trying to help society function better, the problem is your both at odds with one another. One says a deity, the others says there is none. I think logic is required to see who is right. Which worldview embraces better fruit or gives needed answers for our beautiful world. Lets move on, atheists build there morality merrily off of the greater good. That sounds nice, cute and fuzzy, but what does that really mean? What determines your morality? In fact what is your morality anchored too? If you say your mere opinion, or the majority of a people group, you assume morality can change through time. Is that a fair assessment? So, if thats true, then the nazis were merrily exercising their opinion. Correct? Conclusion: Although atheism desires the truth and seeks to give answers, it falls way short of what our world and society need in order to function properly. Now before you slam dunk christianity, let me say this, christianity at its root tries to uphold morality through a high being. They assume he holds all of morality at his beckon. Though christianity can be more easily infiltrated/hijacked, the true fabric of it, brings order. How? Good question. The bible answers every objection. Slavery seems to the atheists best buzzword to discredit the bible. Sadly this view grossly misrepresented. I will be more than happy to debate with you guys :) In fact I learn so much from debating, plus its just good to exercise the brain haha. So I will just give an answer to slavery. The term slavery in the civil war era hardly comes close to biblical slavery. For example: If a man, asks you for 12,000 dollars to borrow and your stupid enough to loan him the money, when the time comes to pay and he says sorry bro gambled it all and cant pay you squat. What would you do? Would you let him walk by? No, you would demand justice just like anyone else. The biblical slavery offers a payment system in turn for ones debts if their unable to pay you, its called being an indentured servant. The person who cant pay you back the 12.000 must now work for you until the debt is deemed payed off. Thats justice friends. Happy to talk with you guys :)
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 22:17:39 +0000

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