* I have a rant... I am a shakey Republican (since they are not - TopicsExpress


* I have a rant... I am a shakey Republican (since they are not being very brave at the moment), who believes in our freedoms and rights as American citizens. The reason our forefathers HAD THE FORESIGHT to see this possibility and protected us from oppressive governments through our Bill of Rights and Constitutional Rights . Where do I start or stop. We NEED a ready and well armed militia. (This is becoming more apparent). Citizens possess the right to bear arms and BUY AMMO. It is our Fundemental American DUTY to defend agains all threats foreign or domestic. They have taken Christ out of Christmas, trying to take God out of our Pledge of ALLEGIANCE and To The Republic For Which It STANDS ... ... With LIBERTY and Justice for All!! Why not take "God shed his grace on thee" out of America the Beautiful. Or ban God Bless America all to mother fu**in gether. How high does the red flag that says Oppression have to be, Pilgrim!! There is no need for Muslims to March in MASSES on OUR 9.11 Memorial Day!! If they wanted to take a walk they should have done it yesterday!! It is an act of intimidation against our country and blatant disrespect and should be viewed as a threat to what being and Amaerican Is!! I am supportive of the brave Americans bikers who decided enough is enough and march against this oppression!! I wish I could afford to go! ~~ I approve this message, Troy for President
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 08:55:01 +0000

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