I have a real fear that there will ultimately be a no vote next - TopicsExpress


I have a real fear that there will ultimately be a no vote next week. The powers on offer are nothing more than a living version of the quote Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The removal/reduction of the Barnett block grant will place any future scottish government in a no win situation of raise taxes (public disapproval, job losses and migration to England) or cuts in public services (public disapproval, punishment of the poorest in society) BOTH options will return our country to the mid 80s and political apathy/a demand for the break up of the Scottish Parliament (which will suit Westminster just fine). WE LITERALLY HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO VOTE YES... THE ALTERNATIVE IS UNTHINKABLE. If you dont believe me... Take 3 mins to watch this... Recorded late last year long before any new powers were even in the room let alone on the table #VoteYes
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:24:42 +0000

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