I have a story I want to share with you that shows how - TopicsExpress


I have a story I want to share with you that shows how mysteriously God works in our lives. Please bear with me as I stumble in the telling of this tale… On September 6, 2014 a dear friend passed away in Ashdown, AR. Jim Preskitt was the person responsible for instilling in my grandson Brandon Cramer a love of stones. Yes, rocks, pebbles, crystals, all kinds of stones. I have drawers full of Brandon’s rock collection that he started after meeting Mr. Jim Preskitt. Brandon loved that man so much…he thought he knew everything (and he probably did!). Shortly after Brandon’s accident on July 7, 2013 Pat Davis, a wonderful friend, asked on Facebook if anyone would be willing to make a quilt to raffle off for Brandon’s medical fund. She had two replies. One was from a good friend of my daughter Amber Van Winkle White. Her name is Laurie Hottois Waguespack and she lives in Orange, Texas now. Laurie made two quilt tops and mailed them to Pat. (Thank you so much, Laurie. I can’t wait to get a picture of them to put on FB for everyone to see.) The other person was Regenia Enis of Powell, Tennessee….a perfect stranger. One day Pat Davis got a phone call from Regenia Enis who said she was in Texarkana (a long way from Powell, TN) and wanted to come meet us. Pat called me and I hurried up to Ashdown Storage where she works and we waited for Regenia and her husband Robert. As I suspected, they were wonderful people…so kind and caring. We had a wonderful visit and I learned so much about these amazing people in such a short time. Anyway, as we were talking to Regenia and her husband, I asked them, “Whatever brought y’all to this area?” She responded that they were here to attend the funeral of a dear friend they had known for many, many years. “Who,” I asked? She responded, “Jim Preskitt.” Imagine my astonishment when I learned that they were here to celebrate the life of one of my favorite people. Is that not God’s hand at work. Who would have ever thought we would meet this precious lady who so generously gave of herself to someone she didn’t even know…would probably never know! Regenia did not have the quilt finished yet for the raffle and she was working on a quilt just for Brandon…one that would brighten up his room. She also took the two quilt tops made by Laurie to have her sisters in Oklahoma quilt them for us. (She is originally from Red Oak, OK.) I am posting a picture of Brandon with his “Quilt of Many Colors” that Regenia made especially for him. When I look at it I am reminded of the song by Dolly Parton, “Coat of Many Colors” and how much love and care went into every stitch. It makes my heart swell with love and gratitude knowing that a virtual stranger could be so kind as to go to all that trouble for us. So, you see, God is not limited by anything. He puts people in our lives for a purpose…His purpose…and we don’t have to understand what He does or why He does it…we just have to accept what He offers us… Since Regenia returned home to Tennessee she has had some health issues and is in need of prayer and God’s healing touch. I ask that you lift her up and pray that God will heal her so she can continue her mission of reaching out to others to share her love with them. Thank you and God’s Blessings! Roxie
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:29:56 +0000

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