I have a story to share... It is Mine...... It is a Love Story.. A - TopicsExpress


I have a story to share... It is Mine...... It is a Love Story.. A story of Spirit... And a story of Loss....... Hold on to your Hats folks.... I havent told any of you my stories before.... My Husband, Jim, and I are coming up on, 6 years together and our 4th Wedding Anniversary in a few weeks.......... I thought it would be fun, to tell you all the adventure of letting my Then Boyfriend know, after 10 years of Friendship, and almost a Year of Dating and living together... That.. I am a Psychic/Medium.... Well, it isnt just something that comes up in every day conversation when you are with someone in a new relationship.... I might add, that when my Husband and I began dating, he believed, that when you die, you are dead, and in the ground, and that is it..... OH BOY... Was he in for a SHOCK lol...... We had a Close friend (Kenny) who worked and Lived at a Motorcycle Shop here in Arizona. He built custom motorcycles for Huge companies like Patron, and Snap On.. And he had an Apartment in the shop where he and his dog Poop lived. Poop was like a Son to Kenny, since Kenny never had Kids. Poop spent every waking moment at Kennys Side. Almost daily, Jim and I would stop by the Motorcycle Shop to see Kenny and Poop on our way home from work. The boys would hang out and talk shop and Poop and I would hang out with them.. Most times, Poop was STANDING IN A CORNER of the shop... He would stand there and INTENSELY STARE into a corner for HOURS without moving.. You could Call poop and he wouldnt budge.. This bothered Kenny.... Kenny would Laugh and say, Man, Poop Freaks me out when he does that!!. I would laugh with him and Jim about Poop standing in the corner... Each time we came back to the Shop, Poop would stand in the same corner.. Intently staring and no matter what Baby voice you spoke to him in, or the treat you offered, Poop wouldnt Budge.... Again... Kenny would say, Man, Poop really freaks me out ha ha ha One Day, almost a year into dating Jim, we were at the Shop... Poop was intensely staring into the corner again as usual. (He didnt always do this, Poop played with Bowling Balls on ropes, and motorcycle tires, and he would chase a ball for hours as well)... But, this day, Kenny looked at me when Poop stared in the corner... I dont think he really meant to look at me and ask... Im sure it was more of a Rhetorical Question lol.. But, Kenny said, What is Poop looking at in the corner??!!) Oh, Now he did it... Now, he asked.... So... With Jim next to me (Who had NOOOOO Idea I was a Medium) ....... I answered... I told Kenny... There are 2 dogs in that corner... One of them is a large breed with tall ears and a Long face that looks like a German Shepard and the other one is Little and tan and Looks Just like a Coyote. I have actually gotten the names Jake and Pebbles because this has gone on so long without you asking and Poop likes to hang out with them in the corner as they watch over you. The Blood in Jim and Kennys face was now absent... They looked at each other with their mouths open and then looked back at me, and back at each other. Kenny asked Jim... Hey Bro, Um, You ever tell her?... My Then Boyfriend Jim said..No Bro, Ive never brought them up I sat smugly with a smirk on my face while the boys squirmed a few minutes trying to figure this one out.... And then Kenny asked,,,, Hey Fara, What makes you say that there is a German Shepard and a Coyote named Jake and Pebbles in the corner? To which I replied.. I can See them Jim walks over to me bewildered and said... You can see them?! It was at that moment that Kenny went to a drawer in his Tool Box. Way in the bottom and hidden in the back of the drawer, were 2 pictures... One, was of a German Shepard named Jake.... The other was a Coyote named Pebbles... Both, were Kennys 4 legged Children before Poop ...... He said... I never told you about these dogs... They died years ago.... I said, You didnt have to I told Kenny that he didnt need to keep worrying about Poop being in the corner anymore, because, he was just looking at his Brother and Sister in Heaven that still watch over him while he works in the shop. So, when they are here looking in, Poop doesnt want to leave them. Kenny never feared Poop looking in the corner after that day.. He started to tell Jake and Pebbles Hello as he walked past it... Jim was in shock for a bit, and that surely wasnt the only thing my now Husband has witnessed to give him a complete belief in Spirit and Heaven... But, it was the First Step for sure.... Jim Proposed and decided that marrying his Soul Mate, even if she was a Medium, was an adventure he was willing to take in life... Kenny was taken from us in a Motorcycle Accident On September 30th, 2011... It was a day and Moment I will never forget... I was Happy to have introduced Kenny to Spirit and Heaven before he passed away... And Poop...... He lives with Jim and I since Kenny Passed away.. He is our Boy... He still looks in the corner for hours from time to time... You see..Kenny is always welcome in our home to visit... and When Kenny is around, Poop likes to hang out in the corner with him and stare intently for hours while he wags his tail... We walk by and say... Hey Kenny...... (My Hubby Jim and Kenny in one pic, Jim and I at our Wedding, Jim Proposing, and ... Poop) Welcome to one of my many stories.... PS... That Bullet on Poops Neck has Kennys ashes in it.. He carries his Daddy with him always
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:32:09 +0000

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