I have a story to share with you today. Bear with me whilst it - TopicsExpress


I have a story to share with you today. Bear with me whilst it unravels, as it initially it might not seem linked to the realm of health fitness and sport... When I was a teenager I was bullied. I was fourteen years old and had recently lost my father to cancer. I was a naturally shy boy but the shock of the situation made become an introverted loner. For some reason I cannot even remember a group of boys from my home town began regularly picking on me. In a town that was just slightly bigger than a village, where everyone knew everyone else this became a problem as it was hard to avoid them. I began, for a period of time, taking the bus from the furthest bus stop I could find, to go and spend my afternoons in a neighbouring town, hiding from the bullies. It was not a sustainable way of life though. After some time I felt I had reached the proverbial bottom. And from the bottom there are only two choices: stay there or make your way back up. I chose the way up. I realised that I had to change the way I thought about myself if I wanted to change my situation. I started thinking of myself as strong and confident, I stopped caring for what they said and laughed it off regularly. It took a lot of effort to begin with, believe me. However as I started actually believing in my new self, my newfound confidence must have begun to shine through as less and less kids were bothering me. Some of the more die hard bullies liked to be more physical, so yes, I also had to learn to hold my own in a fight, but thats a story for another time. Eventually the bullying stopped and I even made friends out of some my ex-tormentors. My point in all of this is that my situation only began to change when I began to change the way I thought about myself. It changed because I DECIDED to change my story. And here is the link to fitness and health: if you desire a change for the best, be it in the way you look and feel or be it in the results of your sporting activities you absolutely MUST begin to change the way you see yourself. Visualize the person you want to become then start behaving like that person would and eventually just be that person. Just dont wait until you have reached the bottom, dont struggle until you just cant take it anymore You have the power to change NOW. Do it. Laurence
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 07:45:43 +0000

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