I have a vent , so I apologize in advance ... I have been referred - TopicsExpress


I have a vent , so I apologize in advance ... I have been referred to as a blood sucking tick so I would like to say if thats what I am then tell me this .... Would a tick take his food to him every day, make sure he had breakfast lunch and supper , make sure he always had money on him let him do pretty much as he pleased, took his walking out 7 different times even the day after I was brought home from the hospital from surgery for cancer ( he stayed gone over 2 weeks that time) each time I sat here and waited as he would come back and say do I have a home to come back to.. Then even in August the whole month gave him EVERYTHING he wanted including taking his supper to him when he would text even signed the papers for the house to be refinanced while he was seeing someone else. I havent taken anything from him which he has stolen a lot from me and I have still let him just go right on ... For starters my Harley Davidson pocket book , my horse saddle pocket book , my rocky work boots my sons car and a golf cart given to my son , my blue cooler a friends drill my drop cord some of my CDs everything he ever gave me for Christmas or birthdays ( which wasnt much ) but including my can opener the camper we bought the hot tub given to me , furniture .. Turned off the hot water heater I had to hire someone to come check it , had to have duke power come out about the wiring on the outside , took all means if trying to heat the house out including trying to say I stole wood ( which was wood I helped cut, but I didnt take it I had to prove that to the police ) so he moved it all just to make sure I didnt have heat . Lied about the water so I had to pay 3 months and a reconnect fee and the list goes on but I would like to know since I have taken nothing and ask for nothing ever not even when we were together how am I a blood sucking tick and now that I have vented I realize I am better off without you , I was a rebound from your first , she is probably a rebound also but I really wish you happiness cause I have God and if you can live with doing this I can sure live with out it ... I survived before you and I will survive with out you .... Remember you are the one who begged me and chased me and said you kept forgetting how strong I was well baby guess what I am still that strong and even stronger now oh and did I mention that I done those things for him even after he walked out and was seeing someone else , that only makes me feel stupid for still doing it , it doesnt make me a tick ... It only shows how kind and forgiving I am and the kind of love that lives in me ......... Now I can say thank God for his grace and strength and for still being with me ..... But Karma comes to us ALL in some form at some point so look out baby I am sure it will be headed your way some where in life ....... WOW........... I feel much better now and that telling me you had been in love with me for 9 years and that I had the most beautiful smile you have ever seen and the little tears because you said my smile touched your soul and did amazing things for you ... Find a new line that one is getting very tiring and old !!!!! I just hate I feel for it but I let my wall down and gave you a chance because I really was in love with you , I loved you more than my on life and would have given my life for you ..... You even showed up at my house at 2am while I was still married chasing me and calling me that can be proved also ... Anyway now I just pray for you ..... Have a good life .snd for the record I have proof and pictures to prove it all and I would like the title for my vehicle back , please , thank you !!! And I am sorry for the vent but just getting tired of the crap and tired if keeping my mouth shut and letting people run over me .... Again my apologizes ... Hope all has a very blessed day !!!! Love ya
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:51:05 +0000

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