I have a very special and personal favor. My new book God, Guns, - TopicsExpress


I have a very special and personal favor. My new book God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy releases next week on Tuesday, January 20. It’s already generated a lot of attention because I make the case for why those who live with traditional moral values and respect for the Constitution aren’t the outliers. The book was written with vivid illustrations of bigotry toward Christians and in plain language. I discuss the disconnect between those living in the “cultural bubbles” of New York, Washington, and Hollywood vs. those who live in what I call the land of “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy,” otherwise known as “flyover country. I truly believe your friends and family will find the themes of the book relevant and encouraging and will greatly appreciate any mention or recommendation you can make on your blog, social media like Facebook and Twitter, or in other communications to those in your address book, FB friends, or Twitter followers. I detail the attacks on our friends like the Duggars, the Benhams, and the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty and provide many examples of the intolerance of the secular left, all delivered or course, in the name of “tolerance.” I realize it’s a selfish request—I readily admit it! But I genuinely believe you and your friends will identify with the message. I’ll be on a media and book bus tour starting Jan 17 and will conclude it with a nationally broadcast webcast for church and home viewing parts on Sunday night, February 8. You can get more information about the event at: eveningwithhuckabee Thanks for your consideration!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:40:12 +0000

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