I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with people feeling - TopicsExpress


I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with people feeling strongly about their religious beliefs, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Jew, athiest, etc. However, it is just plain wrong to undermine the quality of students education based on these beliefs. Yes, evolution is a theory. Its a theory based upon a hypothesis that has been tested, confirmed, and reviewed by the scientific community thousands of times. Yes, theories can change. Our knowledge of almost every concept that is taught in high school biology has also changed over time. Unfortunately, these education leaders want to contort the idea of theories to fit their agenda and make evolution seem less factual than other topics. Maybe a better understanding of evolution would help mitigate some of the massive health issues that are so prevalent in America today: - Humans have evolved over millions of years to live active lifestyles. Sitting all day at work, driving everywhere we need to go, and sitting in front of a tv a night are causing us to have weaker bones, weaker muscles, weaker cardiovascular systems, and weaker immune systems. - Humans have evolved over millions of years to eat a natural, varied diet. We arent equipped to adequately process many of the chemicals we ingest, and we arent nearly as good as we claim to be at artificially creating nutrients. People eating unhealthy, incomplete diets puts added strain on the digestive and immune systems and leads to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Theres plenty more, but Ill end my rant here. TL;DR - Keep ignoring science, and our kids will keep getting fatter and dumber.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:14:29 +0000

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