I have, after some consideration & a deeply troubling final straw, - TopicsExpress


I have, after some consideration & a deeply troubling final straw, extricated myself, from active involvement with, I Am The Face of Truth. Im keeping the banner of solidarity, for now. But I must explain why & allow others the benefit of my experience, with that particular 911 False Flag Awareness Campaign. As aware, conspiracy realists, most of my friends, are sufficiently free thinking, discerning & self sovereign, non conformists, to have come to face the truth of 911, in the first place. We have already been aware that 911 was a highly profitable, multi purpose, New Pearl Harbor event, deliberately inside orchestrated, to forward a Central Bankster, Military Industrial Complex, AIPAC & PNAC agenda, in the middle east, while justifying a Fascist Collectivist, Stasi Police State, domestically. I exercise my natural law, inalienable & universal right to free speech. Im not comfortable with the censorship within the Corrupt Establishment & Corporate Media. I can understand establishing polite, on topic, parameters, to avoid unecessary contention & divisiveness, within a Group based on solidarity & building the broadest posiible 911 consensus. But, I didnt expect to encounter so much rude censorship, in a Truth Telling community of equally sovereign peers. I owe an apology to some of my FB friends, who took my enthusiastic advice to join with I Am The Face of Truth, only to wind up insulted & defamed by the administration of that group. I didnt realize they were on a perpetual witch hunt, seeing all independent thinkers, as deliberately disruptive infiltrators. I no longer agree with their not accepting self generated unofficial banners. Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery! If I Am The Face of Truth, really wants Truth Awareness to grow, they would welcome all efforts to promote the visibility of united dissent against the official LIE. They would be grateful for not having to create every single banner themselves, as awareness takes hold, exponentially. Its wrong to condemn people, simply for exploring, or promoting elsewhere, any less conventional theories, about how the unprecedented demolition was pulled off. As long as people agree, it wasnt the impossible, way the 911 Commission Report, said it happened, we can & should support each others right to think for ourselves. We have had more than enough of, Let us not tolerate wild conspiracy theories. from co-conspirator Dubya Bush himself.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 19:53:41 +0000

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