I have already discussed foods that are good for skin and foods - TopicsExpress


I have already discussed foods that are good for skin and foods that can be applied directly on the face. In this article I will discuss some easy to consume foods that help in reduction of body fat and curb hunger. These are easily available foods and fruits that provide necessary vitamins, fiber and calories to keep the body going and provide a full feeling in the stomach. They are not to be taken as an exclusive diet but should be added to the diet. They will help in the reduction of consumption of fatty foods and also help curb hunger pangs which lead to binging and fat gain. First of all, it is suggested that food may be cooked in Olive oil. This oil has fat burning properties and is also seen to influence distribution of body fat. Substituting greasy oils and butter used for cooking with olive oil, will generally result in a healthy body and significant weight loss over time. Try and include fish in your diet, twice a week. A medium sized fish is ideal for fat control as it contains a balanced amount of protein and fat. Fish also contains essential minerals, vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acids which are needed by the body. A little fat in the fish is essential to keep the body fit and curb hunger and desire for more fatty foods. Deep fried fish is not suitable for fat control. Rather try grilled fish or fish cooked with a little olive oil. Including Green leafy vegetables daily in one meal in the day will do wonders for fat loss and hunger control. Spinach, lettuce, cabbage, fenugreek leaves and radish leaves provide much needed vitamins and calcium and a lot of water and fiber. This helps fill the stomach much faster preventing hunger pangs and also provide much needed antioxidants. They may be taken lightly steamed or in a salad ( where possible) without salad dressings. Salads may be dressed with olive oil and lemon juice to make them more palatable. Snacking between meals is one easy way to gain weight. One fruit that works very well as a snack is Grapefruit. Snack on the whole fruit ( not juice) between meals. It provides vitamin C, fiber and absorbs water to provide a full feeling and curb hunger. Cutting out red meat and deep fried foods from the diet is the way to fat loss. However these need to be substituted with healthy foods such as pulses and legumes. Foods such as beans, Bengal gram, red gram, horse gram, green gram, field bean, kidney beans, soybeans help provide protein with low fat content to the body. They are best taken sprouted, which help in easier digestion. Breakfasts can be enjoyed with white of an egg omelets (without the yolk). A glass of milk also helps the body to stay fit and full for along period of time. However it is best to avoid shakes. A little cottage cheese also provides much need protein and calcium to the body and can be taken twice a week as a fat buster. The secret to weight loss is a healthy diet. The diet should be balanced and cooked in healthy oils (preferably olive oil) and combined with light exercise. Daily light exercise, helps use up the calories and provides much needed activity to the body resulting in a fit body and mind. In conclusion, there is no sure shot formula for weight loss. Some people are born with a high metabolism rate and can consume lots of food without weight gain while others have to fight a constant battle. This is how nature has created humans. Healthy foods combined with light exercise can help a person lead a fit life. That should be our objective.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 15:21:48 +0000

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