I have always advocated for interactive political rallies where by - TopicsExpress


I have always advocated for interactive political rallies where by the audience is allowed to ask probing questions , and I am asking and encouraging all political parties in their campaign for this years General Elections to allow this development; Why am I saying this, its because I have realised and learnt a very important aspect during Gabz FM Parlimentary debates; That the contenders do not have ample time to talk about other parties or even to insult others(Gakere go tle go tualo) or in political langauage to attack others; their opponents as it is a norm in the political rallies. Rather, their debate is strictly focused on discussing pertinent issues they mean to be voted for and this has really increased my interest on these debates and obviously how they will influence the voter out there. The other issue I was interested in , is how the audience ask questions; I did talk about this issue a few days back; that when asking questions the presenter Reginald Tiro Richardson would say A question from the UDC/BCP side, My worry was it now turn to look like two factional parties instead of prospective voters seeking to understand bo ntlhopheng ba ba ipapatsang go tlhophiwa and making them account for what they want to be elected for. The tendency(since the inception of the parlimentary debates) has been that the supporters from UDC will address their question (mostly) to the BCP candidate and the BCP supporters will do likewise to the UDC one. However, yesterday in Maun Constuency where the candidates are Mr Kekgonegile and Mr Fish (surname slipt my mind) it was a different scenario(listening through radio for sure); The supporters from the BCP side were addressing their questions to both Kekgonegile and Fish (with due respect) and on the other hand when addressing their questions UDC supporters focused (mostly ) on Kekgonegile.So, most of the time (If not for Regi to allow him to chip in) Fish was keeping quite and Kekgonegile was the one answering questions everytime as he was asked more questions than the other chap. My take was , this gave Kekgonegile more platform to explain and put across his message than Fish. Now it was like a bit of sidelining fish ga motho o lebeletse ebile o reeditse ka ithlo le le nchocho. Now , to you all who are attending the debates life and have an opportunity to ask question please it is important to ask even your comrade question , especially if they are the incumbent MP so that they are able to account for what they have been doing in Parliment and that gives you opportunity to asses if they are still elegible to be voted back. Trying to attack or flood your questions to the opposing candidate does not do your party and candidate any good ; also does not cultivate and bring out the kind of credible MPs we say we want in the August House. Democracy is when you take your own leaders and prospective candidate to task about their candidature. So, electorates , lets be wise and we shall have wise leaders
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:52:33 +0000

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