I have always been told “Give a man a plan and then let him go - TopicsExpress


I have always been told “Give a man a plan and then let him go to work”. So may I suggest a plan? First of all: We need to wake people up. Most Americans are asleep, unconcerned, wrapped up in their own little world, or simply have their head up their rectum. Talk to your neighbors and people you work with and find out if they want the real America back or are they part of the problem. Enlist help! Secondly: Forget about the same old parties. I’ve voted Republican for as long as I can remember and I can’t really tell the difference between a Democrat and a Republican in Washington. We need to find new blood, people who are not afraid and can’t be bought. The Republicans seem to just roll over like a coward dog submitting. Makes me sick. We need people with backbone, grit, love for the people and country and most of all a set of balls. We need someone willing to get a little bloody to get this country back into shape. Thirdly: When we do find that person everyone needs to get behind them and push them into Washington. Roll up our sleeves and go to work. We need people to get together instead of running around like a bunch of chickens with their head cut off trying to do their own thing. It seems like every one wants to be chief, top dog and run everything and don’t know their butt from a hole in the ground. All we have is the blind leading the blind. For God’s sake lead, follow or get the hell out of the way and let the people that know what to do----Lead. Enlist good leaders in your area not just some limp wristed jerk that wants a little recognition. We don’t need someone that just talks and good talk, but someone willing to back it up and stand up. Fourth: When push comes to shove don’t back down. The people we choose needs to tell it like it is instead of being politically correct. Call a spade a spade; call a crook a crook, call a scandal a scandal and when the going gets tough, the tough needs to get going. Don’t believe anything that comes on the TV and evening news because it will all be against what we are trying to do. Turn a deaf ear to those people. Remember, a liberal has no tentacles just a flapping mouth. Fifth: They have threatened us with the possibility of riots in the street, two can play that game. If they continue to ignore the wishes of the American people and ram things down our throats. Then we can riot in the streets too: but not with rocks and bottles, it will be with guns. We will not stop until every crook in Washington is gone. They can leave quietly or at force, it’s their choice. This can go for anyone else that wants to stop us or get in our way. It’s time to roar like a lion instead of whimpering like a mouse. At least go down fighting like men should! Do they really want to light this fuse? I think not. America is ready for things to be made right all it takes is some good leaders. Let’s find them! Perhaps some of the generals that have been recently fired from the armed forces, there is plenty of them and they need a job. Organize! Organize! Organize!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:41:18 +0000

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