I have always enjoyed reading books by Scott Torow or John Grisham - TopicsExpress


I have always enjoyed reading books by Scott Torow or John Grisham and in the book of Micah we read about a courtroom scene that rivals anything in one of John Grishams novels. Micah 7:9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against Him, until He pleads my case and executes justice for me. He will bring me out to the light, and I will see His righteousness. Ok .. here you are .. you’re caught. You are arrested and charged. There’s not much point in resisting since you know you are guilty. They have you red-handed with DNA evidence to boot. The only acceptable penalty is death. The trial is underway. You stand before the judge, ashamed and humiliated. What can you do? There is no way out of this unless someone pleads your case. But who would plead the case of a man who has already confessed to the crime? Actually, only one person could do such a thing – the injured party. The only person able to speak for the criminal is the victim. Micah realized that he had offended the Most High God. God is the injured party. There is no question about the guilt. Therefore, only God is able to take up the case and bring about justice. The law demands punishment, but the victim has the absolute right to plead for mercy. If God doesnt act on our behalf, there is nothing ahead but wrath and misery. You and I can and must put ourselves in Micahs place my friend. We are the accused. We are the guilty party. We are without a defense and if God himself does not act on our behalf we are doomed. This is a legal proceeding like no other. God is victim, judge and defense counsel. It may seem a bit strange to us, but this is the way it must be. God is judge by right of creation. God is also the victim here because, in spite of His right to require obedience, We have injured and rejected Him. Finally, God who is also defense counsel does something amazingly controversial, completely unanticipated and absolutely unique. God being the victim voluntarily dies in the place of the guilty. This is the whole creation turned upside-down .. completely on its head. Nothing could have prepared us for this solution. The law is upheld. The judge is satisfied. The guilty are forgiven. Mercy triumphs over wrath without compromising justice. All of this occurred at a place called Golgotha over 2000 years ago .. All for your sake and mine because He loved us.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:56:03 +0000

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