I have always loved the fact that my son has been involved in - TopicsExpress


I have always loved the fact that my son has been involved in sports because I truly believe that it teaches them a lot more than the sport itself. I think it builds character, and teaches responsibility, commitment, how to win, and how to lose. I still do believe that, however, this weekend has really made me rethink sportsmanship. At our Friday night high school game, the announcer was being so obnoxious and belligerent that the officials made him apologize before they would start the game again. Also players from the other team were once again using racial slurs against our boys on the field. This has happened more than once this year, and it is unacceptable. If our kids can hear it on the side lines, then so can their coaches, and the refs, so shame on them for allowing this to continue. Then today, I took Daniel to the Browns / Steelers game. It was the first either of us has been to an NFL game. He wore his Steelers jersey, and expected to get harassed about it. We have both always enjoyed friendly rivalries with family and friends. Nope - nothing friendly about this! There were a couple Browns fans who we laughed & joked with, but for the most part, they were just flat out mean, rude, and vulgar! I wouldnt change the experience going once... I wouldnt mind going to another game - I really liked the atmosphere of being at a stadium, but I wont ever go back to Cleveland for a game. WOW, is about all I can say. We left with about 5 minutes left in the game - not because of the score, but we honestly didnt trust being there when the clock hit 00:00! I know people are passionate about football, but vulgar and obnoxious is an under statement! There was actually a guy come up to Daniel - went out of his way to come about 2 feet from his face, whipped him the bird & said F@## you, then walked away. I cant imagine how bad it would have been if Pittsburgh had won! We clapped along with the Browns fans when the injured Browns players came off the field, but when a Steelers player was down, there was nothing but rude comments, and taunts, hoping he was really hurt! I cant imagine any sport being so important that you would wish injury on another person. I would love to see a kid at Pittsburgh wearing a Browns jersey to see how he would be treated, and I have to say, I would be embarrassed if he was treated anything like my son was today, Good thing hes a good sport & just laughed it off! OH...and dont even get me started on the people with their beer!!!! LOL
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 00:43:37 +0000

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