I have always supported any politicians right to bring forth any - TopicsExpress


I have always supported any politicians right to bring forth any concept which they believe is functional and beneficial to TnT. But bring it forth TRUTHFULLY; when LIES are being used to support an ideology, thats where I believe the buck stops. I am referring to the AGs statement in the printed media that the PEOPLE wanted this change. My question is: WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS? Unless Ive been in a coma unknown to me, no referandum, survey or any other means of obtaining any EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE to support these ideas have been carried out by the Govt. Therefore how can he make this statement? I have over 1200 FB friends and I have not seen or heard any of them post or state anything with regards to having taken part in any such process. So where did the AG come up with these STATISTICS? Is it that he is holding true to the old adage There are lies, damn lies and statistics? Or just stating a DELIBERATE FALSEHOOD? It would appear to me that this Govt is going along the route they have always taken. Attempting to mislead the populace along a path of a non-issue, whilst hoping to circumvent the REAL ISSUE. KPB & THE JOKEY SQUAD are once again trying to get TnT caught up with this ASSNESS, in the hope that we will forget about all the THIEVERY that was committed under their watch such as LIFESPORT, and BANDIDO NUMERO UNO Anil Roberts will ride out into the sunset with his friends, such as Daniell of Daniell Education and Rajaee Ali of the Jamaat al Muslimeen to spend their ill gotten $$. As I said yesterday, she had from May 2010 to deliver on her election promise, why the sudden urgency in 2014 to deliver? Its not as if they were so busy PERFORMING, that time ran out. They were F&%KING AROUND for 4+ years, but they have now decided to work to ensure they KEEP THEIR JOBS for another 5 years. Their ideas are so ridiculous that theyre not funny. Imagine KPB is saying that a candidate needs to get 50% of the cast votes to win. BS!!! This is akin to telling Usain Bolt that he had to win by atleast 4 meteres to get the Gold Medal. In a democracy, whether you win by 1 vote or 1000 votes, who gets the most votes wins. It is now the duty of the MP to represent ALL of the constituents; not only those where his/her party has won if they form the Govt, as was once stated by Minister Sadiq Baksh on a public forum. And so the corrupt, nepotistic malpractise under the guise of National Governance continues to be perpetuated by the political farce called the Govt of TnT. When will it end? Beat up if you want, but its my opinion.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 19:15:01 +0000

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