I have always told myself that I will never be a member of any - TopicsExpress


I have always told myself that I will never be a member of any political party because from the outside looking in, I just didn’t fit the “requirements” of being involved in SA politics. SA politics have too much room for young people who MISTAKEN BEING DISRESPECTFUL FOR BEING BOLD. AS AN AFRICAN, I WAS TAUGHT TO RESPECT EDLERS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. There seems to be too much room for young people who don’t understand that WITH FREEDOM OF SPEECH COMES RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. We speak of building an “equal” and developed South Africa, one that preserves HUMAN RIGHTS but yet WE HAVE DETACHED FROM AFRICAN PRINCIPLES and our MORAL FIBER. The objective cannot be achieved when the CHARACTER DOESN’T ABIDE BY PRINCIPLES. We have too many young people who keep ranting on, and think that just because they can express themselves in terms that some of them don’t even fully comprehend, that they have power. THERE IS TOO MUCH DISTRACTING NOISE AND LESS CALM STRATEGIC CONVERSATIONS ON HOW TO CREATE SOLUTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES. The LOUD EMPTY TINS making a noise are the same tins that still have ENSLAVED MINDS because they see membership to a particular party as a ticket to get opportunities and money, instead of LIBERATING THEIR MINDS AND START BUILDING THEIR LEGACIES THROUGH THEIR SWEAT AND POTENTIAL. The REAL LEADERS AND STARS wake up every morning, go out there and make the most of the resources at hand to BUILD THEIR COMPANIES AN LEGACIES. The REAL LEADERS AND STARS are USING THEIR MINDS to create better circumstances for themselves and SA. The loud empty tins are bound to be involved in corruption because THEY ARE EYEING THE SAME TERRITORY OF TENDERS. When too many people are going the same direction and eyeing the same thing for “survival” then CORRUPTION IS INEVITABLE. We need young people who will be LOUD for JUSTICE, LOUD for HUMAN RIGHTS, LOUD for SOLUTIONS and LOUD for MIND LIBERATION. We don’t need young people who are LOUD WITHOUT THINKING. We need the REAL LEADERS AND STARS TO START SPEAKING UP; we need their MINDS IN SA POLITICS. With that said, I’ve been ignorant for way too long thinking that “SA POLITICS IS NOT FOR ME” when politics influence my daily life. Therefore it’s time to find my place in SA politics, I CANNOT ALLOW LOUD EMPTY TINS to make DECISIONS INFLUENCING MY LIFE. To RESPECTFUL, BOLD AND DETERMINED young people using POLITICS AS A PLATFORM TO EFFECT POSITVE CHANGES IN OUR COUNTRY, THANK YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:50:05 +0000

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