I have an 11-year old female that started having diarrhea 4 days - TopicsExpress


I have an 11-year old female that started having diarrhea 4 days ago. Temperature was 98.8. Vet said gut sounds were good on one side; a little slow on other side. He also said there was some fluid in her gut. Gums and eye membranes were pink. She was tubed with a large amount of biosponge powder mixed in water, given banamine and Excede, along with a large dose of MSE. Afternoon temp was 100.7. On day 2 of the diarrhea, I started treating her with corid and safeguard along with kaolin pectin and MSE. Ive also tried Pepto. 2nd dose of Excede was given today (Sunday). Temps continue to be around 99 in the morning and getting just a bit higher in the afternoon. She isnt eating pellets, sniffs them and may take a little nibble, but this isnt her normal appetite. She nibbles at hay....but prefers to graze; she is drinking water. Today (Sunday) she had projectile diarrhea. Its very watery and greenish in color. She cushes normally, although today she seemed to lower herself more gently and once I saw her with hind legs out to one side. Im not sure what Im dealing with and wondered what suggestions you might have. I do plan to talk with the vet this morning (Monday).
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:19:57 +0000

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