I have an important and exciting announcement. Starting tonight, - TopicsExpress


I have an important and exciting announcement. Starting tonight, the Tuesday night group that normally gets together at my house will be moved to Hope Community Church at Gilbertsville, 2732 N. Charlotte St. permanently. In case you dont know how this all started, in the beginning of the year I was running around meeting with this person and that one and I was running out of steam and depleted. It simply made sense to take a night when I could do my best consistently to read Gods word, pray and share a testimony or two. My goal thru this group is to reach those that are unchurched and unbelievers. We are trying truly trying to reach the lost. We keep the study very, very basic so that someone like me can understand and still be encouraged or challenged or both. Secondly, I want those people to get to a point where they are eventually worshipping corporately somewhere and it doesnt have to be my church exclusively. Furthermore, our group also consists of Christians that want to be a part of the discipleship aspect but find it challenging. Some of them have joined our gathering as well. They have been eager to have a little kick to get them going. However, their input and love has been refreshing as well. Then we have some of us that have gone thru traumatic category 3 life hurricanes most recently. So we use that time to encourage them and each other thru prayer and relationship building. There is nothing fancy about this group. Chances are that if you have been a Christian for sometime, there is nothing new that you are going to hear or learn from me. However, if you are finding yourself tired and bored of where your Christian walk is, you may want to check it out. If you want to stay doing the same old same old, this is not going to suit you. I am just being honest with you. Some of the stuff I say, like God calling some of us to partake in suffering with Him for the gospel is weird. I rather stay home and catch the latest drama or reality show with some chips and salsa any day. Or perhaps we come across a passage dealing with living a more simple life so that others can simply live and see Christ thru our generous giving. That can be quite challenging in our comfortable American culture. Bottom line is that you will be challenged. Yet, the goal is not to challenge each other for the fun of it. The goal is to truly learn to love God and others Matthew 22:37-39. If anyone has questions, concerns, gripes please feel free to contact me.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:59:19 +0000

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