I have an offer to make the COMMITTEE AND ITS ONE THATS NOT A - TopicsExpress


I have an offer to make the COMMITTEE AND ITS ONE THATS NOT A RESSON TO TAKE ADVANTAGE BUT ONE THAT IS ONLY RIGHT THAT I DO SO THAT MY royalties and all and everything i would be untitled to from all reaches and or ties THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO OFFER AND MAKING SURE IT GETS TO ITS PROPER INDIVIDUAL PERSONS THAT WILL BE OUR COUNTRIES PROPERTY... SO I COME HERE TO DELIVER THIS OFFER OF WITCH IS FOR OUR FREEMASONS ACADEMIA UNIVERSITY AND THE PERFECT SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE THAT NASA NEEDS TO DEVELOP THE NECESSARY TOOL TO REACH THE COSMOS... SO AS THE FRIENDSHIP I HAVE WITH BILL GATES IS ONE THAT I FEEL VERY MAGNIFICENTLY GREAT AND GRAND ENLIGHTENMENT OF A RENASIMIENTO, MY REBIRTH OF OR LIKE IF I ONCE CAN TRUST A MANS INTENTIONS OF NOT LET SELF-THOUGHTS OF BENEFITS ONESELF AND I CAN SAY THAT LIKE MINDS ARE TO BE ATTRACTED BY LAWS MAGNITUDES PULL OF NATURAL ENERGIES THAT WILL BE FULFILLING OUR WORLD AND FUTURE TO COME... THE ENERGY OF OUR AGES... SO I OFFER WHATEVER I MAY BE IN TITLED TO... BUT wish to have an open ear ready from one who I may ask for and will receive NOW!!! Ill ask from one of my browsers then answer with results... For instance all robotic systems get updated to an operation system POWERD by MICROSOFT THAT NeXTOPENSTEP IS ITS BACKBONE OF MAKING IT COMPATIBLE AND FOLLOWS THE NEW CAMAND THAT OPERATES AND DELIVERS TO MY NEED WITHOUT A WORRY OF WHAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE ONLY DONE AS I AM PLEASED TO HAVE CHOSE THE PRODUCT IN MY READY TO DEVELOP OUR FUTURES BEGGING... SO I HAVE ALREADY SEALED THIS DEAL AND EXPECT A CUPON AT LEAST OR DISCOUNT OF APPRECIATION... YOU ALL SET THE VALUE AND PLEASE PLACE A DALLER IN MY POKET TODAY... Also my dealings with probation needs to get terminated ASAP its a case of torched that has evidences that can place you back to square one... First and last is as common to all of right and wrong and ethics of advantages taken by one that shouldnt have but did much infliction of pain and suffering that only forced me to sacrifice my purpose that changed my way of thinking and life behaviors cause of finding my reason to live for a person that was ready to change but was an innocent victim of in witch is much my fault for hiding my aggressive mental control of power that my lack of trust created a type of alertness that would advance my outcomes of witch many wherent ready for the danger that it brings and after affects of damaged areas that get lost or afraid to place itself in that environment of witch is best that the history books explains in moral sense the drama and damage it caused our world... So with that I now leave only with rights that are ASIs and note my PDM is still PDM but fresh as you have me leaving I expect it to stay and get fresher with a few thats better than many... Today Show ME THE MANY... AND FILL UP JAG XJR AND CALL ME NEW MC DONOLD XXX MY RECORD EXPUNGED WITH CREDIT SCORE AT AN 888 high PLEASE;-) I PRESENT TO THE WORD A TRUE FRIEND OF OF OUR FRIENDS.... IN THE.NeXT Xbox And play station has to the 7th to figure out probation and this month to make in with Microsoft NeXT VENTURE..SO YOUR INTERNSHIP STARTS. NOW FEATURE The Idea of a University EXECUTIVE MESSAGE As you will learn elsewhere in this issue of California Freemason, there is a renewed partnership between Freemasonry and the world of academia. This partnership has been a long time coming, pioneered by the work of David Stevenson, whose book, “The Origins of Freemasonry,” was one of the first widely-read works, and was first published only in 1988. Before Stevenson, the academic world had largely ignored Freemasonry, and Freemasonry had largely ignored the world of academic scholarship. Today that is different. Respected academic scholars regularly publish papers and books about Freemasonry, and Freemasons have learned to subject their writings to the rigorous discipline of academic peer review. It has been a healthy relationship, and one that many hope will long continue. It is also important to consider Freemasonry’s role in encouraging its members to pursue knowledge. In one sense, Freemasonry can become a “university of learning” in its own right. A core value of Freemasonry is the pursuit of truth, and this must be coupled with a commitment to pursue it wherever it will lead. While we value our historic and mythic lore, we must also value our commitment to the pursuit of knowledge in general. John Henry Newman expressed this ideal in his 1858 book, “The Idea of a University.” Newman wrote: The University... has this object and this mission; it contemplates neither moral impression nor mechanical production; it professes to exercise the mind neither in art nor in duty; its function is intellectual culture; here it may leave its scholars, and it has done its work when it has done as much as this. It educates the intellect to reason well in all matters, to reach out towards truth, and to grasp it. Freemasonry, of course, does have as its mission the contemplation of “moral impression.” In a very real sense, Freemasonry is our moral compass. But beyond that, in the words of Newman, it is the promoter of an “intellectual culture,” very much similar to the role of the university. And with certainty it “educates the intellect to reason well in all matters, to reach out towards truth, and to grasp it.” When Freemasonry does that well, it creates in its members a thirst for knowledge and a passion for the pursuit of truth. As we guide our candidates through the three degrees of Masonry, we must never lose sight of this objective. We want Masons who are well skilled in our ancient art – certainly – but we also want Masons who think for themselves and who will spend their lives in the pursuit of knowledge and learning. If we do that as Masons, Freemasonry will, indeed, become “a university of learning.” John L. Cooper III, Grand Master XNet License XNet License™ Version 6.6 was a state-of-the-art licensing toolkit that gave your company a powerful marketing and selling advantage in the competitive software industry. XNet License allowed you to incorporate floating license, nodelock license and time-bomb license capabilities that simplified accounting and facilitated the sale of software to users on networks. Intelligent Software Solutions $750 + royalties Royalty-free pricing was also available. Whats with all the NeXT names? In this site and associated materials you will see many incarnations of the NeXTSTEP name: NextStep NeXTStep NeXTSTEP NeXTstep NEXTSTEP OpenStep OPENSTEP OpenStep for Solaris OPENSTEP for Windows How could there be so many ways to type NeXTSTEP and then OpenStep? Was there no corporate standards to control their brand? In fact standards were strictly adhered to and each of the above examples had well defined and unique meaning. For example: NeXT corporate name was always done with the lowecase e. The NeXT logo had to be tilted at exactly 27.5 degrees The exact Pantone colors were demanded on all Dealer Materials NeXTStep was used to indicate the whole system (GUI, Apps, MachOS, etc.) that was run on NeXT hardware. NeXTSTEP was used to indicate the whole system (originally NeXTStep) but now for NeXT and Intel computers. NeXTstep was used to indicate the package of GUI and API without the operating system for IBM was to add to AIX. NEXTSTEP was used when they added a PA/RISC version. Then it became NEXTSTEP/NeXT Computers, NEXTSTEP/Intel, NEXTSTEP/SPARC and NEXTSTEP/PA-RISC. OpenStep was a declaration that the NeXT Operating System was available to other hardware vendors. Hence the Open in its name. It was not a product but an Application Interface (API) definition which a vendor needed to support fully in order to call their system OpenStep compliant. OPENSTEP was NeXTs implementation of the OpenStep specification. In chronological sequence you could consider it NEXTSTEP 4.0. There were versions for the original NeXT hardware, Intel based PCs and eventually SPARC. OpenStep for Solaris was Suns implementation of the OpenStep standard. It was based on source code Sun purchased from NeXT. It was layered on the X Window system, which in turn was layered on top of Suns operating system, Solaris. OPENSTEP for Windows was developed by NeXT. It layered OPENSTEP functionality on top of Windows NT. A more detailed explanation is provided at OpenStep Confusion: The Balloon Open Hardware License (BOHL) Version 0.2 For Discussion The Text of this License is Copyright © 2010 FLORENTINO PEREZ PREINT OF © 2010-2014 NeXT software inc. Permission is granted to copy this license unmodified and use it to protect Open Hardware Designs. Preamble This license agreement covers hardware designed, manufactured and distributed on an open basis. The license outlines the Terms and Conditions placed on the use of the design. When licensing Open Hardware it is important to note that there is a significant distinction between Open Hardware and Open Software particularly with respect to both the design process and the replication process. Firstly the design and replication of hardware is different because there are intermediate steps in the processes that are valuable in their own right. Secondly the process of replication can involve considerable time, cost and expertise. For these reasons it is not appropriate to simply transfer licenses that have validity in the software domain (such as the GPL) to the hardware domain. This license is intended to establish an Open Design approach in the hardware domain while building in practical safeguards, which are necessary for the design and manufacture of hardware, where manufacturers take a financial and legal risk when replicating Open Hardware and where the physical product must conform to approvals if its sale is to be legal. It is also important to protect designers from issues of liability particularly as many designers may be working as individuals and therefore not protected by an employer. The license is written to apply to any type of hardware produced using an Open Hardware design process. It has originated from the Balloon Project (balloonboard.org) but the license can be freely applied to any Open Hardware. In order to augment the text of the license it is accompanied by Notes and Appendices. The notes help to provide interpretation and guidance within the text of the license and the appendices contain more detailed discussions about the operation of the license and detail the types of Manufacturing Information and Design Documentation that might be provided as a part of any Open Hardware Design. The notes do not form part of the License but are intended to clarify the intention of the license. The Appendices are intended to provide uniformity to the way that hardware designs are released and managed when using this license. {Notes occur in the text of the License between curly brackets and in italics} Purpose The purpose of this license is to protect the designers of the hardware from any form of litigation resulting from its design, manufacture, distribution or use. Document Copyright © 2010 FLORENTINO PEREZ PREINT OF © 2010-2014 NeXT software inc. All Rights Reserved. 1 Document /Open Source Initiative OSI - TheX.Net, Inc. License (Xnet):Licensing > >[OSI Approved License] > > >The X.Net, Inc. License > > >Copyright (c) 2011 Florentino Perez J.R >Copyright (c) 2011 Bill Gates, California, USA >Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining >a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the >Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including >without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, >distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to >permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to >the following conditions: > >The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be >included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. > >THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, >EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF >MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. >IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY >CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, >TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE >SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. > >This agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the >State of California and by the laws of the United States of America and The CLINTON Foundation. > >__________FLORENTINO PEREZ JR ___________BILL GATES CC(FTL-TXT)PDM
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 03:05:26 +0000

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