I have an open letter to Bruce Braley in light of the email that - TopicsExpress


I have an open letter to Bruce Braley in light of the email that many of us recently received that looked like this: Dear Bob, My number one priority has always been making sure that the concerns of the middle class are being heard. So when you talk, I listen -- that’s my philosophy. Last month, thousands of you responded to our survey about the issues you think Congress should be focused on in 2014. Thank you for taking action. Click here to see the results so far. And if you’re able, consider giving $5 or more to help our grassroots network continue to grow. I’m focused on the issues that you care about most -- I’m listening to folks like Kim S., who said she wants to see Congress do more to make college education affordable and to stop stalling on raising the minimum wage. And I heard from Andrew R., who wants Washington to do more to help stimulate our economy, create more jobs, and close tax loopholes for big corporations that ship jobs overseas -- Andrew, I couldn’t agree more. This campaign is as much yours as it is mine, and I want to hear the ideas you have to help our country move forward. Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey last month. Click here to see the results that have come in -- and don’t forget to pitch in $5 or whatever you can afford to keep our grassroots engine moving. Thank you for all you do, Bruce My response? Here it is: Seriously Bruce? You want to focus on the cost of college education and the economy when our government appears to no longer be Of the People, For the People and By the People but of/by/for the corporations and extreme wealthy while Congress has a lower approval rate than bestiality because of it? We have to fight to restore DEMOCRACY to America and STOP the attacks intent on disenfranchising voters. We have to amend the Constitution to declare the corporations are not people and money is not speech. We also have to focus on doing EVERYTHING we can to reverse Global Warming. Iowas seen the droughts and felt the economic damage. Thats just a microcosm. It will improve the economy and create jobs. The extreme weather is costing Americans more for energy to heat/cool their homes as seen by the spike in natural gas prices during the cold snap. That takes money out of the economy. Food prices are rising as we are transporting food from more distant places to meet demand, in turn adding to the pollution problem. Climate disasters are occurring around the world but here in the U.S. its straining FEMA and unnecessarily draining financial resources that could go to reduce the costs of education and create jobs. Be serious when you write This campaign is as much yours as it is mine, and I want to hear the ideas you have to help our country move forward. So when you talk, I listen -- that’s my philosophy. Your focus appears myopic to me. Are you REALLY listening, or just fundraising. My assessment is that the latter is the reality in the wake of Citizens United v. FEC and the likely impending results of McCutcheon v. FEC. Your candidacy will be moot and impotent unless we take care of the problem of money in elections. Dubuque passed a Resolution. Buffalo passed it the other day. Waterloo and Cedar Rapids are slated to be next. In Scott County were working on Bluegrass next with Davenport to follow. THATs the train you need to be on. Are you ON the train or OFF the train. My better half often jokes that Theres a light at the end of the tunnel, and its not an oncoming freight train. When it comes to our democracy and the environment, were heading for a train wreck unless we get on the right train together. Hopeful regards, Bob Babcock Progressive Democratic Activist/Community Organizer 630.417.0042 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I know IM serious. I dont want to see a train wreck. I want to see Bruce on the train helping to turn it around!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:45:05 +0000

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