I have applied a lot of thought to whether to make this comment on - TopicsExpress


I have applied a lot of thought to whether to make this comment on FB but I really it feel its necessary!! I have spent a really traumatic afternoon with a lovely family who had taken on a rescued Romanian street-dog who had been partially hung and drowned as a puppy. This is the third case I have seen this year of a similar nature!! This dog was traveled into the UK, landed in a rescue kennels and was subsequently handed over to its new family. Its early life consisted of human abuse and then being catapulted into a pack of 200-300 rescue dogs in Romania before arriving into the UK and ultimately this familys home at the age of 18months. Aside from some basic, generic instructions this family have received no support at all (not surprising given the charity probably dont possess the time, education or resources to support each case!) On arrival, of course the dog is petrified, gentle and submissive; 6 weeks on and it has naturally been given the love, stability and normality a dog would receive in a normal UK domestic home. However, the only domestication these dogs possess is that they are dogs and have fundamentally evolved to adapt and bond to humans, this is where it ends. They have no understanding of human life/ communication or awareness of boundaries/ personal space and manners. They have a fight for survival attitude and when its delivered on a plate it needs to be defended. They have very limited social ability in general and this includes with other dogs, every individual is viewed as a threat to its survival. As a result these terrified creatures start to utlilise some of the behaviours they have been exposed to or used in the past and begin to use unpredictable aggressive outbursts to avoid threats and interaction. While I am sure this is not true of them all, this is the 3rd dog living with a family with young children that I have been called out to and had to deliver the devastating news that these dogs require so much rehabilitation that it is not likely to be safe to achieve in the average working family household! While I absolutely appreciate the people involved probably feel they are doing the right thing, what they are not considering is the impact this is having on the unassuming UK dog owner who is trying to help. More importantly the potential damage that these dogs cause if they follow through with their bite. Consider: would we pluck a starving, abused Romanian child from its environment and put them in a modern UK home with a family and expect them to cope without support? Nope, so why are people doing this to dogs? Animal neglect is a world wide problem, we have our own stray dog issues here why do we need to be taking on the unknown from Romania. Please see sense and put in place adoption programs and neutering schemes, it is not right to do this to the dogs let alone the owners!! Any positive stories about these dogs will be very welcome but id be surprised if there are any!!! Sorry.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 22:05:12 +0000

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