I have been asked to repost this. Thank you all. I knew - TopicsExpress


I have been asked to repost this. Thank you all. I knew something was different about me when I was 7 years old. I wasnt sure what it was that made me different yet. Not until I fell in love, head over heels, with another girl. I wasnt confused about love — it was powerful and strong — I was confused as to why it wasnt OK for me to love her. Then my brother came home in tears one day. He had broken up with his roommate. Michael explained to me that Tom was actually his boyfriend. We laughed when I told him Julie was my girlfriend realizing we were both gay as hell. Then we cried. We cried together a lot after that day. We cried when we told each other of the times we got beat up in school for being different, we cried when he lost his teaching job because he was gay. We cried while I sat in the psychiatric unit my father put me into when he found out. We cried when I told him I was dropping out of high school because they were writing gay bashing threats on my locker. We cried at so many funerals of our friends taken by AIDS for several years. I cried alone when Michael committed suicide. That is when I knew I had to be stronger than ever, stop crying and start screaming, I AM PROUD OF WHO I AM. I have rallied, protested, voted and stood my ground. I have never and will not work for a company that does not accept me. I will not support a God that they say doesnt love me. I will not stand quietly while our legislators make decisions about my life. And I will never lie about who I am or hide from it. Mostly I cry now because I am overwhelmed with being so loved by so many. The hate I see now is the hate of a people enraged by what the state is trying to do to my community. We have evolved. We no longer hate me for being gay, we hate the ones that are trying to make me different from you. I am proud to be a Kansan. I am proud to be who I am. I am especially proud of all of you who have stood beside me in telling the politicians that its not OK to treat me this way. And I thank each and every one of you for loving who I am. Peace be with all of you. — Diana Frye, Wichita
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:20:54 +0000

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