I have been asked to share what Plexus has done for Bradyn so here - TopicsExpress


I have been asked to share what Plexus has done for Bradyn so here goes! *this is not a claim that Plexus can cure anything, it is how Plexus has helped my child! Bradyn was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 8 (2012), and we chose to medicate him due to his school grades suffering. The doctor he had at the time only wanted to keep upping his dosage everytime he went in for a check up. We chose to change doctors because of this. Immediately his new doctor wanted to put him on another ADD medication that was not as harsh on him. So at the age of 9 (2013) his medication was changed and it seemed to helping. After a few months we had to have dosage adjustments, until finding the one that worked best for Bradyn. Skip through to my husband and I joining Plexus February 2014. We love every product that we have used. After lots of research and seeing how our children could benefit from Plexus we started making a 20oz. Bottle of Slim and splitting it between our 3 boys. Bradyn 10, Jesse 8 and Declan is 1. Bradyn and Jesse each got 8 oz. and Declan would drink 2 oz. I called Bradyns doctor and talked with her about giving it to him. She told me that I can not approve him to use the Slim because it is not FDA approved but I will say there is nothing in it that will effect him in a bad way. So we started giving it to him. After about a week we noticed that he seemed better. So we tried a full 20 oz. of Slim. We then noticed it seemed his body was receiving too much help. It was around time for him to refill his meds so when I called and asked if she would lower his dosage on his medication. She agreed! That was in April. This past Tuesday I too him in for his evaluation and asked his doctor if we could try him on just a Slim daily and see how it works out for him. His doctor looked at me and said By all means, try him on Plexus Slim only! It seems to be working great for him. As of June 10th Bradyn has had no medications and drinking 1 Plexus Slim mixed in 14 oz. every morning. He is doing GREAT! UPDATE: Bradyn is doing amazing! On July 20, 2014 we added 1 PeoBio5 at bedtime to his daily regiment and he is loving it! I have noticed how happy Bradyn is now. He jokes around and smiles all the time where pre Plexus he was sad, irritable, cried at the drop of a hat. Thank YOU Plexus!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:40:46 +0000

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