I have been called as traitor because i criticized sacred cows. I - TopicsExpress


I have been called as traitor because i criticized sacred cows. I have been tortured because i broadcasted corruption scandals of powerful people who wear uniform. I have been accused of working against national interest because i questioned your actions of allowing drone strikes, giving bases to US, Receiving dollars directly to GHQ in the name of Pakistan. I have been called as Indian Agent because i questioned defense capabilities regarding Abbottabad operation and GHQ Attacks.Yes, I am and I will be because i am not in the habit of breaking constitution of country in the name of doctrine of necessity. I hate to throw dead bodies of missing blochs like 1971 east pakistan in the name of war against traitors. I will not try to protect ex uniform general who committed treason. I will not try to organize protests in favour of me by banned militant organizations. I will not dis obey orders of government and supreme court. I will not hang malicious banners against other institutions of this country on constitutional avenue. i will not start business of making cakes and selling plots and distributing lands in the name of national interest. i will keep to ask questions about 48,65,71 and kargil. I respect and pay tribute to all martyrs but i will not allow any one to hide behind sacrifices and fulfill my political goals. I will not divide my nation on the name of religion, sect, caste, and province. i will not fire bullets to journalism who disclose my affiliations with militants. I respect national flag and all national institutions but i will not provide any un constitutional privilege to any one because they called himself sacred. I am traitor. I am traitor. I am traitor. Mudasser Iqbal Umar Daraz Salahudin Safdar Mian Kashif Iqbal Sami Ullah
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 17:10:41 +0000

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