I have been challenged by Grace Marie Patalinghug and Vicky Arnaiz - TopicsExpress


I have been challenged by Grace Marie Patalinghug and Vicky Arnaiz to list 10 books that have stayed with me in some way, and tag people to do the same. Rules (there are always rules): Dont take more than a few minutes and do not think too hard. They dont have to be the right books or great works of literature, just the ones that have affected you in some ways. [Then tag 10 friends, including me, so I can see your list.] 1.The Catcher and the Rye by J.D Salinger (This book has been my favorite classic since I was in third grade, it made me realize how harsh life can really be but we can let things go by, read the book thrice) 2. The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster (Everyone should read this because well, it opens your eyes and your creativity as well) 3. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (I fell in love with the characters of the book, each of them will become a part of your life and you will be engrossed with the world of Nephilim) 4. The Name of this book is Secret, the whole Secret series by Pseudonymous Bosch (The book has a touch of Science and Philosophy explained in ways that a child like me can enjoy) 5. The Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer (Science + Magic + evil child prodigy = AWESOME) 6. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (A classic about love and a young woman facing the challenges of life) 7.Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell (Chubby and tacky woman who found love in a hopeless situation? I relates, sad ending though) 8. Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton (I love the tragedies, the myths, the many things ancient Greece has taught us.) 9. Hello? Is Anybody There? By Jostein Gaarder (I think this book is one of the reasons why I chose Biology as a course, that life indeed is unique and there are many possibilities out there) 10. The Past Does Not Define Your Future by Bo Sanchez (For people whose past seem unbearable, this will enlighten you right away) Grace Canonigo , Ayana Mendoza , Fatima Alferez, Smith Dwight Cabe (because you seem like Bio people who read a lot XD) Yo Myung Yoon, Alexander Ricardo, Gillian Tujan Escorido, Chok Augusto (because I just feel like tagging you guys :3)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:48:11 +0000

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